Well, look at me go. Posting 2 days in a row, it's almost like I have a real blog.... Almost.
Anyway, did my first class today. Well, first in this "challenge" anyway. It was a hard one (for me), lots of planking, abs, etc. It was hard, but I feel good for trying. I need the tonight too, we'll see how I feel tomorrow though. I'll try it again next week.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Fitness Challenge!!!
Ok ... first of all... Keeping up with my blog posts? Fail. I'm terrible.
Second of all, I'm going to make ANOTHER attempt at documenting my own personal fitness challenge.
So, today is Day 2 of the "Challenge du jour" (Ooohh la la! Sounds fancy doesn't it? ... spoiler alert, it's not).
Anyway! This challenge I've extended to myself simply is to go to exercise 3 times a week. Pretty simple, right? We'll see. My hope is that eventually, I will up that to 4 days a week, but let's start with one thing at a time.
This is more of a "feeling good" challenge as opposed to a "weight-loss challenge". I mean, I won't kid myself, I definitely would like to lose weight, but I'm trying to focus on the "how good it makes me feel" and hopefully, eventually I will also lose weight. haha
So, I won't be sharing my weight on here. I know... everyone's disappointed right? But I will share how I feel after day 2.
So I'm just "doing my own thing" at this point. Some treadmill, some elliptical... I did a reclining bike the other day too. My next step is to do some toning classes.
I feel great each time I've gone, especially as soon as I finish. It's only about 40 minutes of exercise, but better than nothing, right? On top of it, I also did a Zumba class Monday night (teaching, not participating), so a little extra activity that day.
Alright, so there's post #1. I hope this motivates me. For goodness sakes people (the 5 of you who read this blog), if you notice I'm not posting, call me on it. :)
Want to join me in the challenge? Write in the comments what you're doing, and how you're making out. :)
Second of all, I'm going to make ANOTHER attempt at documenting my own personal fitness challenge.
So, today is Day 2 of the "Challenge du jour" (Ooohh la la! Sounds fancy doesn't it? ... spoiler alert, it's not).
Anyway! This challenge I've extended to myself simply is to go to exercise 3 times a week. Pretty simple, right? We'll see. My hope is that eventually, I will up that to 4 days a week, but let's start with one thing at a time.
This is more of a "feeling good" challenge as opposed to a "weight-loss challenge". I mean, I won't kid myself, I definitely would like to lose weight, but I'm trying to focus on the "how good it makes me feel" and hopefully, eventually I will also lose weight. haha
So, I won't be sharing my weight on here. I know... everyone's disappointed right? But I will share how I feel after day 2.
So I'm just "doing my own thing" at this point. Some treadmill, some elliptical... I did a reclining bike the other day too. My next step is to do some toning classes.
I feel great each time I've gone, especially as soon as I finish. It's only about 40 minutes of exercise, but better than nothing, right? On top of it, I also did a Zumba class Monday night (teaching, not participating), so a little extra activity that day.
Alright, so there's post #1. I hope this motivates me. For goodness sakes people (the 5 of you who read this blog), if you notice I'm not posting, call me on it. :)
Want to join me in the challenge? Write in the comments what you're doing, and how you're making out. :)
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Here's a disappointing update...
I know, why would I call a post that. Who's going to want to read that? Well, people, I'm all about honesty (spoiler alert, I'm not), and this post will be disappointing. Why? Well, I'm glad you asked. What's that? You didn't ask? Well I'm going to tell you anyway.
First disappointment? I did not do well with my personal fitness challenge. I mean, I'm still active... kind of a victory, right? Well, I won't get in to my failures/victories, but there you go.
Second disappointment? I don't have much of an update to give you. I'm not even sure what I will be writing about going forward. It's a surprise from post to post.
I'm still an overtired mama... my little girl still rarely sleeps through the night more than a few nights in a row, but that's old news, how much can I write about that, right?
Most of what I tweet about is reality tv related... so my next post will likely be reality tv related... because there aren't enough reality tv blogs out there, right? Agree or disagree? Post a comment below, tweet me, or remain silent... whatever you want! :)
First disappointment? I did not do well with my personal fitness challenge. I mean, I'm still active... kind of a victory, right? Well, I won't get in to my failures/victories, but there you go.
Second disappointment? I don't have much of an update to give you. I'm not even sure what I will be writing about going forward. It's a surprise from post to post.
I'm still an overtired mama... my little girl still rarely sleeps through the night more than a few nights in a row, but that's old news, how much can I write about that, right?
Most of what I tweet about is reality tv related... so my next post will likely be reality tv related... because there aren't enough reality tv blogs out there, right? Agree or disagree? Post a comment below, tweet me, or remain silent... whatever you want! :)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Not much of an update...
I said I would keep up with my blogging and that I will....
So I wrapped up Week 3 of my running on the weekend. Last week was a slower week (physical activity wise), as I only ran on Monday, Friday and Saturday. I've been doing a run and walk combination, and Saturday's run had me do a stretch of 10 minutes at one point. It was a struggle to push through, but felt amazing afterwards. I wish I could remember the "after" feeling all the time so I would be more motivated to go and more motivated to push through. I will say I'm impressed that I haven't given up when I'm running, there have been times that I'm feeling really sore and tired as I'm running and I just push through. It gives me a real sense of accomplishment.
Next step? Try to push myself to run today. :)
It's all one day at a time.
So I wrapped up Week 3 of my running on the weekend. Last week was a slower week (physical activity wise), as I only ran on Monday, Friday and Saturday. I've been doing a run and walk combination, and Saturday's run had me do a stretch of 10 minutes at one point. It was a struggle to push through, but felt amazing afterwards. I wish I could remember the "after" feeling all the time so I would be more motivated to go and more motivated to push through. I will say I'm impressed that I haven't given up when I'm running, there have been times that I'm feeling really sore and tired as I'm running and I just push through. It gives me a real sense of accomplishment.
Next step? Try to push myself to run today. :)
It's all one day at a time.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Gotta get back in to the blogging....
So as all 3 of you who read this blog know, I'm not very good at keeping up with posts. I think I need some kind of theme to keep me motivated to keep up with my blogging. And a theme that is something different from my usual complaining/ranting about everything.
So, I've decided to blog about my current project.... my weight loss challenge/learning to run.
So I'm part of a group that has challenged each other to lose weight... as a tag along to that, I decided to learn to run. I used to run back in the day (lol), so thought I would give it a try again.
I'll post periodically about my progress... I invite everyone to comment/ridicule/encourage me and/or share your own wellness/fitness/weight loss story. This will hopefully keep me motivated and give you another website to check each day besides Facebook, Twitter and Perez Hilton (I kid, I kid).
Anyway, I'm sure these posts will be thrilling, share with your friends!
So, I've decided to blog about my current project.... my weight loss challenge/learning to run.
So I'm part of a group that has challenged each other to lose weight... as a tag along to that, I decided to learn to run. I used to run back in the day (lol), so thought I would give it a try again.
I'll post periodically about my progress... I invite everyone to comment/ridicule/encourage me and/or share your own wellness/fitness/weight loss story. This will hopefully keep me motivated and give you another website to check each day besides Facebook, Twitter and Perez Hilton (I kid, I kid).
Anyway, I'm sure these posts will be thrilling, share with your friends!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Dreams of Travel....
We all have dreams. Some of us have really selfless dreams like dreaming of happiness for all, etc. My dreams are selfish. I dream of lavish vacations for myself (and I guess my family can come too). I kid, I kid (sort of). Anyway, my family and I recently went on vacation, and, as with all of my vacations, I come home with high hopes of when we can travel again. Although my dreams are of lavish vacations. I often will spend time (I won't say how much time, because it's embarrassing) finding nice looking vacations at bargain prices. I thought I would share some of my bargain vacations with you as a public service. Perhaps I can live vicariously through one of you. Or maybe I'll just provide you with a starting point for a dream of your own... or maybe this is pointless, but let's pretend this is helpful, shall we?
Bargain vacation #1: Orlando Holiday - May 11 to 18
1 - Rented house - I know what you're thinking, sounds expensive... or maybe you're nervous you'll get a dump. Here's my tip, look for properties that have some reviews written about them. If there are some negative ones, look at what they're complaining about: Are they complaining that the paint is a colour they don't like? Or are they complaining about bed bugs? You need to decide what is important in your rental. Personally I don't care about paint colour, I DO care if there are bed bugs. Perhaps you're the opposite? Anyway, why not check out something like this property:
$424 a week - Includes washer and dryer - so if you're an efficient packer, no need to check your bags, just bring a carry-on and do laundry. This house sleeps 8 people, so depending on how many adults you're travelling with, there's potential to share that cost, making the trip even more cost efficient. Purchase groceries (as opposed to eating out) for your fully equipped kitchen. Enjoy the pool/spa at the end of the day to top it all off. Doesn't it sound heavenly?
2 - Flights- This is usually where it gets expensive, but there's a few things you can do. There are a few sites that "guarantee the lowest price" so, if you have the time, great idea to search multiple sites, find the best deal, and see if anyone can beat it with their low price guarantee. But this is the deal I found with Hotwire without searching anywhere else: $289.16 (taxes included) round trip - (and just an additional note that I've seen this flight as low as $240 round trip, so if you're willing to take a chance and check back every day, you may be able to get it cheaper.
3 - Car Rental - If you are renting a house, this is pretty well necessary. A cab from the Airport to Orlando can run you somewhere around $50 (and more if you're heading to the outskirts... like Davenport). Hotwire and Priceline can be helpful in this area if you aren't particular about what kind of car you have. I've seen rental prices for a mid-size as low as $12 a day (before insurance).
As for activities, it's up to you. If you're going to do the parks (Disney, Seaworld, etc), it's difficult to find really spectacular deals, but you can usually get a few dollars off the gate price through places like undercovertourist.com or kgstickets.com. The multi-day passes are usually your biggest bargain.
But lets take the flight, car rental & accommodations alone - and why don't we say this is a trip for 4 people. That will be $416.16/person (+ groceries, car insurance & attraction/activities), but even with those added expenses... a pretty reasonably priced vacation, oui?
Your welcome.
Did you enjoy this post? Did you find it utterly ridiculous? Either way, let me know in the comments, or Tweet me on Twitter (that sounds wrong, doesn't it).
Bargain vacation #1: Orlando Holiday - May 11 to 18
1 - Rented house - I know what you're thinking, sounds expensive... or maybe you're nervous you'll get a dump. Here's my tip, look for properties that have some reviews written about them. If there are some negative ones, look at what they're complaining about: Are they complaining that the paint is a colour they don't like? Or are they complaining about bed bugs? You need to decide what is important in your rental. Personally I don't care about paint colour, I DO care if there are bed bugs. Perhaps you're the opposite? Anyway, why not check out something like this property:
$424 a week - Includes washer and dryer - so if you're an efficient packer, no need to check your bags, just bring a carry-on and do laundry. This house sleeps 8 people, so depending on how many adults you're travelling with, there's potential to share that cost, making the trip even more cost efficient. Purchase groceries (as opposed to eating out) for your fully equipped kitchen. Enjoy the pool/spa at the end of the day to top it all off. Doesn't it sound heavenly?
2 - Flights- This is usually where it gets expensive, but there's a few things you can do. There are a few sites that "guarantee the lowest price" so, if you have the time, great idea to search multiple sites, find the best deal, and see if anyone can beat it with their low price guarantee. But this is the deal I found with Hotwire without searching anywhere else: $289.16 (taxes included) round trip - (and just an additional note that I've seen this flight as low as $240 round trip, so if you're willing to take a chance and check back every day, you may be able to get it cheaper.
3 - Car Rental - If you are renting a house, this is pretty well necessary. A cab from the Airport to Orlando can run you somewhere around $50 (and more if you're heading to the outskirts... like Davenport). Hotwire and Priceline can be helpful in this area if you aren't particular about what kind of car you have. I've seen rental prices for a mid-size as low as $12 a day (before insurance).
As for activities, it's up to you. If you're going to do the parks (Disney, Seaworld, etc), it's difficult to find really spectacular deals, but you can usually get a few dollars off the gate price through places like undercovertourist.com or kgstickets.com. The multi-day passes are usually your biggest bargain.
But lets take the flight, car rental & accommodations alone - and why don't we say this is a trip for 4 people. That will be $416.16/person (+ groceries, car insurance & attraction/activities), but even with those added expenses... a pretty reasonably priced vacation, oui?
Your welcome.
Did you enjoy this post? Did you find it utterly ridiculous? Either way, let me know in the comments, or Tweet me on Twitter (that sounds wrong, doesn't it).
Monday, January 21, 2013
If I were famous....
As I watch the Golden Globes last week, I was thinking about how often I hear celebrities complain about the paparazzi, and that made me think of some things I would do to "mess with" the paparazzi. Here is my list:
- I would constantly rub my belly as I walked around in public, and randomly stop and look at baby clothes.
- I would stop in at lawyer's offices and come out with paper work for restraining orders, divorce, adoption... and I would flash it around as I walked past paparazzi.
- I would "close talk" with all of my friends... which would cause constant speculation about my relationships
- I would constantly change my accent when I was speaking close to the paparazzi - British, French, Spanish, German (although my accents would be horrible so no one would know what accent I was trying to do). Then I'm sure they would constantly speculate that I was having some kind of breakdown or psychotic break.
- I would wear horribly matched clothes, do my hair in weird styles, or wear ridiculously coloured makeup (instead of blush, put green eyeshadow on my cheaks, that kind of thing...) and when people ask about whether I'm trying to start a new trend, I would pretend I had no idea what they were talking about, and describe my outfit as something totally different than what I was actually wearing.
Why would I do all of these things? It's a little bit like "the boy who cried wolf", eventually, people would tire of my "crazy antics" or "drama", and they wouldn't pay attention to anything I did.
Note - I'm not really sure that they would "tire" of these things if I was say... Angelina Jolie.... but, I could try it. But then again, I'm not famous, so no one would really care if I did this in my current job.
- I would constantly rub my belly as I walked around in public, and randomly stop and look at baby clothes.
- I would stop in at lawyer's offices and come out with paper work for restraining orders, divorce, adoption... and I would flash it around as I walked past paparazzi.
- I would "close talk" with all of my friends... which would cause constant speculation about my relationships
- I would constantly change my accent when I was speaking close to the paparazzi - British, French, Spanish, German (although my accents would be horrible so no one would know what accent I was trying to do). Then I'm sure they would constantly speculate that I was having some kind of breakdown or psychotic break.
- I would wear horribly matched clothes, do my hair in weird styles, or wear ridiculously coloured makeup (instead of blush, put green eyeshadow on my cheaks, that kind of thing...) and when people ask about whether I'm trying to start a new trend, I would pretend I had no idea what they were talking about, and describe my outfit as something totally different than what I was actually wearing.
Why would I do all of these things? It's a little bit like "the boy who cried wolf", eventually, people would tire of my "crazy antics" or "drama", and they wouldn't pay attention to anything I did.
Note - I'm not really sure that they would "tire" of these things if I was say... Angelina Jolie.... but, I could try it. But then again, I'm not famous, so no one would really care if I did this in my current job.
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