Thursday, December 13, 2012

Weird Things on the Internet

There are weird things on the internet.  Yup, I'll let that sink in for a moment, because I'm sure you weren't aware of that.  Anyway, I'm not just talking about that annoying Facebook friend you have that is constantly updating their status about everything they're doing every minute of the day - "Just woke up, great day!", "I need groceries, looks like I'll be having oatmeal for breakfast", "Doctor just called to say that rash should go away in 4 weeks, phew!" - yeah, that person.

Anyway, I thought I would share some of the weird and wacky stuff I've come across on the internet recently:

So this one just came to my attention today - I love Turkey Dinners as much as the next person, but this "Smooth Turkey" video is beyond weird: 

So, my daughter loves when I look up cartoons, etc, on Youtube.  In my effort to find some Wiggles videos, I came across a really creepy Wiggles Puppet show.... well someone took that video and put it to the music of the Exorcist.  Terrifying yet funny.

Now from creepy to terrible.  This website offers visitors the opportunity to bet on how long couples will last in their marriage (based on a photo of them):

Well, that's probably enough for today... do you have weird websites/videos/friends that you want to share?  Leave a comment!  :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Truthful Tuesday - "I am a hypocrite" edition

Yes, that's right, I'm a hypocrite.  I've decided to confess...

1 - I have very frequently laughed when people pull up beside my car with music blaring.  I will often say to whoever is in the car with me "that's ridiculous, who needs music up that loud anyway".... you know, just as any old person would say (note: I am in my early 30's... therefore... not actually old... right? RIGHT?!) Age paranoia aside... let's flash forward to this morning:

Me - in my car
Music - Even Better Than the Real Thing - U2
Volume - Loud... I mean, really loud
Buddy in the car next to me - staring
Me - continuing to groove as the song changes to PSY - Gagnam Style.

Conclusion: I am a hypocrite... who also has a very eclectic taste in music.

2 - In my university days, I vividly remember being out at a club with my girlfriends, and looking over at a group of women in their early 30's who were also grooving on the dance floor.  I believe this is a pretty accurate recap of what I said:

"Yikes, they are awkward looking... so much older than the rest of us here... I will not be clubbing at their age"

Conclusion:  I could be a snotty girl sometimes (although I didn't think so.... a definite sign you're a snob).  And.... although I don't go "clubbing" regularly... I still enjoy the odd time that I go out "dancing" with my friends... where I judge in the totally opposite way (ie - "Everyone here is so young!  They're just kids! They shouldn't be here")

I think that's enough confessing for today.  Is there a lesson here?  Maybe there should be, but I'm too tired to think of one... or to learn from this myself.

Are you a hypocrite?  Help make me feel a little better about myself by sharing your hypocrite stories...  :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

These are a few of my favourite things.....

Don't worry, I am not posting a Youtube video of me singing this song.... I'm just humming quietly at my desk.  Unless you want a video, because I can do that (just kidding.... or am I?)

Anyway,  I read alot of blogs, visit alot of websites, watch alot of shows and eat alot of junk.  That about sums up my life.... I'm kidding, but only half kidding.    So I thought I would do a post about my "favourites"... and yes, I spell that the "Canadian way". 

So here we go...

For a laugh:

This is my favourite parenting related blog.  And before you skip over it because you think that this will be a website with lots of parenting advice and tips on how to make organic healthy meals for your family... you are mistaken.  This blog is hilarious, and the pictures just up the "epicness" of each post.  Am I pumping this up to much?  Decide for yourself....

Parenting. Illustrated with Crappy Pictures:

This is for a whole different kind of laugh.  I began reading this blog for his hilarious commentary on episodes of Laguna Beach & The Hills, and I stayed for the other trashy reality tv ridiculing posts.  I also had never seen "Harriet Carter products" until I read this blog.  I highly recommend looking up those posts.
The blog is hilarious, if you are not easily offended.  And if you are easily offended, get off my site.  Just kidding (or am I).  Here you go:

Ok, so just a couple of "Favourites" today, I will post more again soon.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Listening in on conversations....

So, if you've been reading this blog for any lenght of time, you may have seen that I often listen in on other peoples' conversations... this is one of those conversations...

Overheard this morning while waiting to get a coffee:

Guy 1 - Are you growing a mustache for Movember?
Guy 2 - Nah, I'm not very good with the facial hair thing.
Guy 1 - Oh... well I'm growing one.
Guy 2 - Awesome, are you collecting pledges too?
Guy 1 - No... (said with hesitation)
Guy 2 - Oh, so you're just doing it for awareness?
Guy 1 - Awareness for what?
Guy 2 - Prostate Cancer....that's what Movember is for....
Guy 1 - Oh Really? 


On a totally unrelated note.  My Pinterest experiment (trying something once a week from my "pins") has been an epic fail.  I am not very good at keeping up with things like that.  I'm sure you're all very disappointed.  :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Pinterest Fail

So, I'm currently doing the "Pinterest challenge" that I extended to myself... try to do one "pin" a week.

So, I tried this recipe I pinned, and it prompted me to make a new board called "Recipes I tried and my family did not like LOL"   (It can be found here: at the moment, the recipe I'm going to write about is the only one in there.

This is literally the description that was written on the pin:  According to Pinners: THE WORLD'S BEST CHICKEN. Others have called it, “So Good it Can’t Be Described, Explosion on Your Taste Buds Chicken. so, so yummy and easy.

Well, I'm here to say, it is NOT the world's best chicken.. well, at least at my house.  I have a picky husband and daughter.... so I was skeptical as it was.  It was very strong tasting... not my cup of tea.   Maybe your family will like it.  Not mine.

Want to challenge me on this?  Comment!  :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ok, I'm still judgemental...

I'm trying, I really am, but when I have a bad day, I find myself being judgemental.

Judgement of the day?

I take my daughter to swimming lessons.  After the lessons, I take her in the shower area to clean her up.  Tonight, I saw something that has been happening frequently.  There's a lot of kids in the shower area... lessons just ended... the parents are around holding towels, etc.  I am one of those parents.  So, it's a lot of people in this small area.  I look over, and there's a young girl, maybe 3 or 4 years old, she has 3 adults hovering around her.  One is holding a towel, one is holding the shampoo and helping the little girl wash her hair and the other is standing there and chatting.

Meanwhile, they are taking up so much room I am pretty much shoved in to the shower with my little girl as I'm trying to give her a towel.  Why does this little girl need such an entourage?

Now, non-judgemental me should think that maybe something happened before that makes them overprotective.  But instead, I judge and become annoyed that they are all in there.

Don't judge me.

Oh who am I kidding... I would judge me, so go ahead.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

My "Pinterest" experiment

So, I set out a challenge for myself in the last post.... start actually doing something with the 50 million things I had pinned on Pinterest.  So, here are my first few attempts.

First, my pin inspiration:

Thought the idea was cute, and my daughter is constantly making pictures for us.  So, instead of using the wall, I used a blank side of my fridge:

The sign at the top actually has my daughter's name on it, and I realize most of you readers know who I am, but for those who happen to stumble across, I like to keep some anonymity.... although I'm sure it's easy to figure out who I am... but, whatever....  Just humour me.

So I did this using clamp magnets.... nothing crazy, wasn't hard, but looks better than it did before.

Second Pinterest attempt - 'Peanut Butter Cheese Ball'.  This is the pin I saw:

Looks delicious, right?  So, I started to make it:

Here is the finished product:

It is delicious!!  And much bigger than I thought it was going to be when I started making it.

And finally, the easiest Pinterest thing I tried:

Yoghurt dots - here is the inspiration:

In progress:

And finished:

It's essentially just frozen yogurt, but it makes it like eating little candies.

So there you have it!  I said I would do it.  :)

Stay tuned for more ..... :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Ok, so I knew I hadn't written anything in a while... I was having a bit of writers block for a couple of reasons... 1 - Most of what I wanted to write about was really just me ranting and complaining about random things, and that gets boring for people to read.  2 - My life isn't that exciting.

So, I was on Pinterest this morning... a website I only go on about once a month, but when I do, I pin like crazy.  And that action this morning inspired me to write about it.  And I use the term "inspire" loosely because this will not be an inspiring post... at all.

I love Pinterest because I have discovered many really awesome things... a lot of funny things... and a lot of ridiculous things.  But as I was pinning this morning, I realized something.  I have pinned about 50,000 recipes and crafts, and I have not done any of them.  Actually, that's not true, I made two - a homemade microwave flavoured popcorn recipe, and a frozen banana thing (I don't know how to describe it... it was kind of like ice cream, but really all it is... is a frozen banana).  Anyway, that's beside the point.  Of all of these pins I have done... I really don't try any of it.  And actually, I don't even go back and look at what I pinned.  So I'm going to do a little experiment.  I'm going to try to do/make/read at least one of my "pins" a week.  I will post my progress.  Doesn't that sound thrilling?  I bet you will all be staying tuned for my thoughts and experiences.  Follow me on Pinterest!

Don't worry, I'll post about non-Pinterest related things too... so for all the Pinterest haters out there... don't stop reading my blog for that reason.  :)

Have a comment, suggestion or random complaint?  Comment below or tweet me!  Just for fun!  We can be awkward online "friends".  You know you want to.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Random Fact Tuesday...

So, there's a little tool associated with this blog (no... not me...I'm not talking about a person.. I mean an actual tool) that tracks where my readers come from, how many people are reading it, etc, etc.  So, not very exciting, right?  Maybe not for you (and if that's the case, this post might be pretty boring for you), but I look at that info every once in a while......mostly because I'm still amazed anyone wants to read my ramblings.

So, I logged on with the intent to post a little something about last night's episode of Bachelor Pad... then I looked at those stats... I see most of my readers are from Canada (woo hoo!  Yay fellow Canadians! And please don't mistake that for me saying "Yay Canadiens", because that is something I will never say... I'm a Flames fan... sorry, hope that doesn't change your opinion of me).  Anyway, the next highest amount of readers come from..... Russia!  Cool!  Do people generally like to read about peoples' random thoughts and complaints there?  (Just kidding, I don't generalize like that.... usually).

So welcome to my blog!  I considered getting some little welcome note from a random translation site to say "welcome to my blog" in Russian, but I was nervous that I would actually get a translation that said something like "Welcome to my pizza flavoured hockey puck" and then I would offend everyone and they would never read my blog again (ok, I know it wouldn't actually translate to that... but, you get what I'm saying).

I promise I won't post any more about uninteresting facts, please come back and read again.

Note - I actually can't promise I won't post uninteresting facts... because this Blog is based on that kind of content.  So hopefully you'll come back anyway.  :)

Have any comments/questions/suggestions for this blog?  Hit me up in the comments section (that's what the kids say these days right?  "Hit me up"?  I'm tryin to be cool here).  I may read your comments (I probably will) and I may take your advice (maybe... maybe not... you'll have to keep coming back to find out).

Friday, August 17, 2012

A nice walk... until...

Went for a nice lunchtime walk with my daughter.  It was warm, sun was starting to come out, we were really enjoying ourselves, until, I stepped in a wonderful mess someone's dog left on the sidewalk.  I'll admit, I wasn't looking at the sidewalk for such things... mainly because I assumed that people would PICK UP AFTER THEIR DOG!!!  Gross!  Better me than my little girl though.

There's my random rambing for today... :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Listening in on Conversations...

... because I'm nosy, and it's fun.  So, this is an actual conversation I heard this morning:

Girl 1 - Have you been watching the Olympics?
Girl 2 - Yes, I'm obsessed.  I love watching.
Girl 1 - Me too, exciting stuff.  What's your favourite event.
Girl 2 - Well, I've really liked watching the running... and figure skating.
Girl 1 - Figure skating?
Girl 2 - Yeah, figure skating, it's amazing to watch.
Girl 1 - You mean in the winter olympics... right?
Girl 2- No, they do it during the summer Olympics because it's an indoor event.

Umm... are you for real?  Hilarious.

Friday, August 10, 2012

When I became a parent...

... I swore I wouldn't be so judgemental anymore.  I was INCREDIBLY judgemental before I had my little one (Why can't the parents clean that kid's face? Why are they bringing that kid grocery shopping when they clearly don't want to be here? etc etc).  I've come to understand why parents do the things they do... and I've tried to tell myself that I have no idea what's going on in people's lives that makes them do the things they do... however... I've come to understand that I am still very judgemental.  It's a problem.  I've tried, but here are the judgements I continue to make:

1 - If you are a guy and you are wearing white sunglasses... I think you're a DB (I'm a mom, not supposed to swear or write inappropriate things... so you can take a guess what that stands for).  I'm sure there are many guys that wear white sunglasses that are awesome people... I have not met them.  Most times that I see guys with white sunglasses their pants are falling down and they're wearing wife beaters... enough said.  Prove me wrong people.

2 - If you are wearing pajama pants in public, you are either really lazy or really sick.  I remember when we had pajama day at school when I was younger.  How fun!  But here's the thing... I actually wore a pair of pj's to bed and changed in to new ones in the morning..... AND.. I was 10.  I don't do it anymore.  I have heard people say "I don't care about what people say about what I wear, that's why I wear this".  Ok, the look kind of says "I don't care", but if you really didn't care about what people thought about the way you look, you wouldn't have that "tanning bed" look.. and you wouldn't be wearing makeup.

3 - If you know I'm a mom, and you start a conversation with me by telling me what a waste of time/$ etc it is to have children and proceed to ramble off reasons why you will not be having children... I will tune out of the conversation (and that's if I don't walk away from you).  Don't get me wrong.  I understand that having kids is not a desired option for everyone, and I respect that.. so respect my choice for having a child.  You are not going to convince me that I made a mistake.

So there's some rambling for today.  I'm going to go put on my pajama pants and white sunglasses.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Whiney Wednesday

So, I never really wanted to write a post about "poor sport officiating".  I've seen games at various sporting events where I've said "that ref/umpire/official was pretty bad", but I've never been prompted to rant about it..... until now.

After seeing the Canada vs. US women's Olympic soccer game the other day... I think alot of people can agree that the officiating left much to be desired.  But what really pushed me over the edge was reading this article this morning:

So, I know that no sport governing body is excited when players/coaches, etc are complaining about officiating... but if this results in any kind of punishment against the Canadian team, I think alot of Canadians, including myself, will be upset.
To rub salt in the wounds, rather than just graciously accept the win... some US players decide to make some negative comments about the Canadian team.  (See this link for details:
Am I suggesting that I think making statements to the media about the horrible officiating was a good idea?  No, but I challenge anyone who can look objectively at that game to say that they wouldn't be upset after that game if they were Canadian. 
Anyway, that's enough of my whining for today.....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Truthful Tuesday

So, here's a post that's a spin off of "Random Confession Friday".  Some more random confessions for you:

1. I love Britney Spears.  Yup.  I don't care about all the crazy stuff she did.  I am always pulling for her.  When I heard she was going to be on X-Factor, I was excited for her.  I'm hoping she's amazing.  I'm also still secretly (or not so secretly) hoping that she will perform at the Billboard or MTV or American music awards some day and pull off a kick-butt dance routine (see how I stayed PG there... no swearing in my blog... or at least in this entry).  The likelihood of that happening is slim, but I'm still hoping. 

2. I am probably the worst eater I know.  My addiction to junk food is so bad that I have often hid sweets from my husband so I don't have to share.  Greedy and unhealthy.  That's who I am.  Don't judge.  Although, if I were you, I would judge me... harshly.  

3.  Sometimes I wish I could go back in time, just for a day (or a week) and re-live my university days.  It's not that I don't appreciate what I have now... I love my husband and daughter, enjoy my job, etc, etc.... but sometimes I do miss the days when all I had to worry about was exams and writing essays.  I ate out regularly, went to the movies often, went shopping pretty frequently, slept in as often as possible and lived with my best friends.  What more could you ask for?!  So... I have a solid business idea for people... as I believe I am not the only one with this kind of wish... you know how there are adult "Rock Camps" where people can go away for a week and pretend they are rock stars?  I think someone should have a "Re-live University/College Camp"... book some space at various university residences and allow people to re-live those days.  Granted I'm sure the actual university students in those cities/towns won't be excited about seeing a bunch of 30/40/50 year old people "partying it up" at the clubs they go to, but who cares.  I'm all for this.  If you start this business, sign me up... oh, and also, give me a cut of the profits... it was my idea and all.

I think that's enough of my confessions today... tune in next week for more (maybe)... or I may turn my attention to another topic.  I don't really have a great attention span.  Must be my lack of sleep.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Random Friday Confessions

So, what are these "Random Friday Confessions"?  I feel like doing a TMI post... but not in a gross way.  So here are a few random confessions:

1 - I have audtionned for more than one tv show/movie.  Nothing x-rated, so don't get excited... and I didn't get the parts either, so you'll never see them... haha.  I WAS an extra in a made for tv movie... ooo... but I turned down the biggest part I was ever offered... to be a "stand-in" for Mena Suvari (I'm not even sure if that's how you spell her name) when she filmed a movie here.  Why did I turn it down?  It started filming the day after my wedding.  Womp womp!

2 - I was a librarian.  Not exactly.. I was a "student page".  I worked in a library for 3 years.  And I used to think "I wonder what people would do if, when they were checking books out, I yelled 'THANK YOU'".  I'm sure they would have thought I was nuts.  And they would have been right... I mean, I'm already a little crazy thinking about such random things... right?

3 - When I worked in tourism, I wrote a song and sang it to tourists... to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies theme song.  Cheezy, but the tourists loved it.

4 - I know WAY too much about "The Wiggles".  My daughter loves their music, and I find them more bareable than alot of kids music.  I know about their previous music groups, what lead them to start the group, and about some of the scandals a couple of them have faced.  Weird, I know.

5 - I did not know who Justin Bieber was until just before his "Never Say Never" movie came out.  I always considered myself pretty up to date on music, but he slipped through my radar.  I think I must have just dismissed his music as being like Hannah Montana, or any of those other Disney singers.  As another piece of this confession... I downloaded my first Justin Bieber song... Boyfriend.  But in my defense, I find that song sounds like something Justin Timberlake would have sang... when he used to make music.  I say that's my defense, but I know some people will say that's not any better... and to those people I say... we can never be friends... I love Justin Timberlake.  :)

So, not earth shattering confessions... just ramblings from an overtired mama.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm so bad at posting regularily.....

So, once again, it's been almost 2 months since my last post.  Sorry about that.  I apologize, but was there really anyone who was upset by that?  I'm sure you were all visiting the site regularly and saying "What?  No new post?!  What is wrong with her?????"  Hey, I get it, you live for my blog.  I'll try to update more often (spoiler alert: I probably won't... because I'm terrible).

So, what has motivated me to write today?  Random thoughts....

Random thought #1 - I really don't take an effort to appreciate my own city.  I'm always anticipating and excitedly waiting for my next trip out of town.  However, I took a fabulous walk in the few blocks that surround my office... it was awesome.  Part of it was the weather.... sunny and warm... my favourite.  The other part was the fantastic little shops that surround my work... I felt like a real hipster/poser/wannabe going in to a little shop and buying some loose tea... oooh lala!  I know... big spender.
So what's my point?  Relax, I'm getting to it!  I think we all do that... ignore what we have in our own backyards.  So, my recommendation?  Go out, go for a walk and appreciate what you have in your own city/town.  (I know, I'm bossy.... but DO IT)

Random thought #2 - So, I saw there is going to be a "Big Brother Canada".  Same idea as the American reality show.  When I was in University... I would have been ALL OVER that.  I always said that there were only 2 reality shows I would consider auditioning for: Amazing Race and Big Brother (although, if they were doing a "Real Housewives of Atlantic Canada" I might consider it...).  So, now that the Canadian Big Brother is going to happen, am I going to apply? No.  Why? A couple of reasons.... 1 - My little girl... I can't imagine being away from her for that long (Aw... isn't that sweet?  No? Ok)... And I guess I'd miss my husband too... haha!  2 - Nobody wants to see an overweight cranky mom lay around the pool (I assume they will have a pool).  3 - I have limited patience for jerks... and you know there will be at least one jerk in the house.  But as I wrote that, I thought "do jerks even know they're jerks"?  I think they do... they must... but if they don't... how do I know I"m not a jerk? In that case, maybe I'm perfect for the show.

Random thought #3 - So, I was reading some travel reviews the other day, and I noticed that (on the particular site I was on), in at  least 50% of the negative reviews the major complaint was the weather.  I get it.. bad weather on a vacation is kind of a downer, but you know what?  The town/city/village you are visiting cannot control the weather, so, to rate that place as an "awful place to visit" (that's an actual quote form a review I read) simply because of the weather, is ridiculous.  I used to work in tourism, and I can't even tell you how many people would ask me on a rainy, foggy and/or cold day "is it always like this here?"  Yes, yes it is... I've heard of this thing called 'the sun' but I've never seen it. 

Anyway, those are my random thoughts for today.  I hope you found it as thrilling as I did (note: I didn't find it thrilling at all).

Final note: Are you one of the few people who actually reads my blog?  Have something to say?  Want to fight about it? (Just kidding... or am I)  Feel free to leave a comment!  Or follow me on Twitter and "tweet me" (that doesn't sound right...)  @Zumba_KatieNB

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A serious post

I know, I know, no one every wants to read "downer" posts, but, I've never really posted on this topic before, and I think it's important.

It was around this date in 2009, when I was VERY pregnant (due April 10th to be exact), that I began ignoring some pain I was having in my lower ribs.  I shouldn't say I was ignoring it, because it was difficult to ignore, it was quite painful.  I hadn't had any problems with my pregnancy other than 1 doctor's appointment that week where my blood pressure had been high.  When the doctor took my blood pressure, she suggested we wait 15 minutes and try again... so we did, and it was "normal" again. (I will explain why I put that in quotations a little later).  At that time, my doctor said to me "if you experience any pain in your ribs, head up to the hospital and we'll look at your blood pressure again".

That week, I did start having pain in my ribs, but ... it's difficult to describe... but it didn't feel the way I thought "rib pain" would feel... it was low in my ribs, almost in my stomach... and it almost felt like indigestion, but much more intense.  So when I would feel that way, I would have a bath or lay down hoping the pain would subside.  What I didn't realize is that the "normal" blood pressure I was experiencing, was actually not normal for me.  Before my pregnancy, I didn't pay any attention to my blood pressure, so I had no idea what my blood pressure usually was, so, during my pregnancy, when my blood pressure was in the normal range (optimal is about 120/80), I didn't worry about it.  It slowly crept up over the next week or so, and by the time my due date rolled around, I was in the "mild hypertension" range (about 150/95), when April 12th came (Easter Sunday), I had alot of pain, I was dizzy, and my blood pressure had risen to about 170/100.  I was nervous to go to the hospital out of fear of being "that over reacting pregnant lady", but when my blood pressure reached 220/110, I went. 

When we arrived at the hospital, they took my blood pressure and sent me up to Labour & Delivery "out of precaution".  We were there for about 6 hours, had my blood pressure taken lots of times, spoke to a couple doctors, and then the resident came in and said "well, I think we're going to send you home, but if the pain comes back, just come back up.  I'm just going to consult with one other doctor first".  She left, I started to get ready to go, then she came back in and said "we're going to induce you, we're a little concerned about your blood pressure".  I was surprised, but went with the flow.

I started on IV, they broke my water, and labour started at about 12 AM.... I won't go through the long process... but they monitored me the whole time.  My beautiful baby girl was born at about 7:15 on April 13th.  When she was born, I was tired, but happy she was here.  After all the nurses and doctors were done checking us over, a student nurse came in to help me to the shower, and I was left to shower.  My husband and I were alone for a long time, when finally a nurse came in to wheel me down to my room.  When I got there, I knew something was wrong... I wasn't feeling bad, but there seemed to be a lot of nurses and doctors around.  The doctor told me that my blood pressure was still a concern, and they had done some blood work and my platelets were going down (for those who don't know, platelets help your blood clot so you don't bleed a lot).  So I was going to have to stay in bed, no getting up for shower, bathroom, baby... nothing.  No lights on in the room. No visitors (my husband was allowed in).  I had to have a nurse with me 24 hours a day. 

In the end, I had 7 platelet transfusions that helped save my life.  I found out later that I had Class I HELLP syndrome.  Had I ignored the symptoms any longer, I likely would not be here. 

For more information about this condition, please visit:  This condition can be fatal, so it was a scary experience for all of us.

So why am I writing about this?  Not to scare anyone, I am hoping that by sharing my story I can encourage women who are concerned about how they're feeling in their pregnancy to seek help.  I am happy to chat with anyone that has questions or who would like to share their own experience.  Email me at

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Bachelor update

So, I haven't commented on any Reality TV in a while, but thought I would comment on the latest Bachelor episode.

As the weeks go by, I am becoming increasingly convinced that the Bachelor Ben is a little more superficial than what they are trying to portray on the show.  Don't get me wrong, I know all of the Bachelor & Bachelorettes are superficial to a degree... I mean, comon, your "first impression" cuts have to be primarily based on looks and the 3 words the contestants say to you as they exit the vehicle.

Courtney is just not a likeable person.  I know lots of people will say "but it's all about how she's edited"... ok, maybe if I met her in real life I would get along with her, but I doubt it.  Anyone who uses the "other women are jealous of me and that's why we dont' get along" defense is on my "I don't like you" list.  He has openly questioned her lack of being able to get along with other women... yet keeps her.  I don't get it.  The only logical explanation is that he must be blinded by her looks.

I remain puzzled.

I should also note that I did google who the "alleged" winner of this season is.  I am not surprised. 

Side note - my friends often ask me why I "read ahead".  I like to know the outcome... but it doesn't ruin the show for me because I continue to watch to see how they get there.  I am a fan of the show "Coronation Street" (before you ask, no, I am not 85... it is genuinely a good show).  Here in Canada we are a little over 4 months behind where they are in Brittain... so it is easy to find "spoilers" online.  I often read ahead.  But I continue to watch every episode here.

Anyway, after all that unnecessary information... I'm done for the day.

Snow Days

As I start to write this blog, I realized that this blog is turning in to somewhat of a "rant fest"... oh well, you're still reading it, so... on to the latest rant!

Ok, so I live in a climate with snow in the winter.  I have been dealing with snow my entire life.  Do I love it? No, I mostly just tolerate it.

So we had a little bit of snow yesterday... 10 cm to be exact (no, I didn't measure it myself, I am relying on "weather people" to give me this information).  When I drove to work, the streets were pretty well clear.  The sidewalks, however, were not.  Was I enraged at the lack of snow clearning on streets?  No. It's a part of life here.  But it appears there were many that were.

I read on many a Facebook page this disapproving rants of parents who raged about how awful it was for children to be expected to go to school after a 10 cm snowfall.  Many cited "school was cancelled previously for much less than this" and was it, yes.  Those few days that school was cancelled for less than 10 cm of snow was primarily because more was forcasted.  And on the days that happened, these same people, who were now complaining about the lack of cancellation, were complaining that school WAS cancelled.

OK people, what do you want? 

Several people cited "I can't believe they expect children to walk through these unplowed sidewalks"... Really?  Not to sound like an old coot, but "in my day" 10 cm was not a big deal... in fact, it still isn't in my books.  I still walk through 10 cm of unplowed snow... and miraculously, I am still alive.

I do not evny the decision makers at the school districts, no matter what you decide, you can't satisfy everyone.

Rant of the day... done.  :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

In defense of non-mothers...

Ok, I get it, being a mom is busy.  I'm the first one to complain about not having time to myself, but, I still find it irritating to listen to some moms tell "non-moms" how they don't understand what being busy is.  An example of the most recent overheard conversation:

Mom: I envy you.
Non-mom: Why?
Mom: Because of all of your free time.
Non-mom: What do you mean?  Work is crazy busy!  You know that.
Mom: No, no... I don't mean at work, I mean after work.  You can go home, have a glass of wine, read books, go out with your friends.... I can't do anything like that.
Non-mom: Why not?
Mom: Because I have kids!  You have NO idea what it's like to be as busy as I am.

Pause for a minute - I'm thinking to myself .. who talks to their friends like this?  But anyway, back at it:

Non-mom: Yeah, kids are busy
Mom: No, you have no idea.  They want me to play... all the time!  I'm making supper, laundry, cleaning... it's exhausting!
Non-mom: Wow. So what time do they go to bed?
Mom: Like 7:00... then I'm so tired I need to go to bed.
Non-mom: Yeah, some nights I can't even make it to 9... I'm in bed.
Mom: Wow, and you don't even have kids... you can't even imagine how much busier and tired you will be.
*awkward silence*

Why do some people feel the need to broadcast how busy they are?  I will agree that sometimes I am run off my feet, but why must you make other feel inferior about their lack of a busy life.  Was she hoping this lady would throw a party in her honour to awknowledge how busy she is?  Even if she did, wouldn't that mom be too busy to attend.

Well, sorry for the rant today, I must be in a bad mood... aren't I always?  That's what lack of sleep does to you.... and being SOOO  busy.  Well, I should run, I'm too busy to even write this blog.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

An Open Letter...

Dear Person Using the Aerosol Spray in our Public Bathroom,

Hi.  How are you?  Good?  Well I'm not.  I don't know who you are, but know this: you may think that the spray you are using is disguising the smell of what you just did in our bathroom, but it's not, it's making it worse.... much worse.  The smell of citrus and your bowel movement is making me wretch in disgust.  Don't get me wrong... I know it's a necessary bodily function and we all do it, but please stop using that disgusting spray.  This is a "scent free" building.  Maybe your boss/office manager/receptionist never gave you the notice, but surely you've noticed the signs in the building?  If not, consider this your notice.

Maybe I'm cranky because my car broke down this morning, or maybe I'm cranky because that's who I am... regardless... you stink... I mean your spray stinks... stop using it... immediately.

An Over Tired Mama

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"New" Bachelor

Is there some kind of "Bachelor Contestant Check List"?  Seems to me they must have met their quota this season:

- Girl that lost her parents
- Single mom
- Girl that's "so pretty other women are jealous of her"
- Good 'ol Southern Girl
- Girl who has "relationship issues"
- A Canadian
- Blah, blah, blah

So, you may assume by reading this post that I will not be watching this season.... you would assume wrong.  lol

Monday, January 2, 2012


So I started using Twitter.  I know... probably ridiculous, but I was curious.  I have started "following" some celebrities on Twitter... But I have become to realize that my imagination of what they are like is often extremely different than what they are like in real life.  Some celebrity tweets have made me realize that I would prefer not to meet my celebrity "crushes" in real life as it ruins my own ideas. 

I want to believe that Jim from The Office is a real person... is that too much to ask?

7 Tips for Summer Travel on a Budget

Winter is over (although, I know for some, it feels like it's still here).  We are now approaching summer.  We're on the "downw...