So, for once, I didn't know what was going to happen in this episode, before it happened. The live-feeds were down from Saturday until after the show last night.... so Canada's nominees remained a secret until then.
Let's pick up from where we left off - Houseguests found out that Canada was HOH. Let the paranoia begin!!
No one knows how they are portrayed on the show, so they're nervous. True enough... but for those of us who watch the live feeds (or read the recaps of live feeds in my case), we get to know the houseguests a little better. Take as an example, Sabrina - on the show last night, they show a couple of clips of her being nervous about being nominated, but on the live feeds, she remained relatively confident that she would not be nominated as she thought Allison, Andrew, and Kenny were more disliked than her.
Adel lets us in on him being a little depressed that Ika is no longer in the house, as she is his "blood sister". I've read a lot of criticism about Adel's "sadness" online, people think he's "putting it on" to get Canada's sympathy. Here are my thoughts: maybe he is putting it on a little thick, but there's no denying that he's virtually alone in this house, no real alliance, so, he probably is a little sad. Isolation is not a good feeling.
Big Brother informs the houseguests that they will be sharing the HOH room. They will each have 1 hour in the HOH room. When Big Brother sounds the horn, they will have to sing Oh Canada. Which they proceed to do. Then we get to see "Canada's HOH room". Here we see just about every stereotype going - plaid, beaver, maple donuts, maple syrup, there's talk of poutine... How patriotic! Then we get a little montage of Houseguests singing Oh Canada... and there's one thing that's for sure... this is not American Idol... these houseguests can't sing.
Arlie and Sabrina muse over who will be nominated, and Sabrina is seeking some validation from Arlie. He says that he will tell her what she wants to here (ie - she's safe), but he's really hoping she's nominated.
On to the "Have/Have-not Challenge" which is called "Big Brother Prom". Here we see that houseguests have been randomly broken in to groups:
Andrew, Sara & Heather
Allison, Kenny & Neda
Arlie, Sabrina & Rachelle
Jon & Adel
( I hope I got those right)
This challenge is like "dance charades"... one house guests acts out a "well-known dance" while their teammates have to guess what it is. This is probably my favourite challenge so far.
We learn that Andrew & Kenny dance à la "Magic Mike". Rachelle is young (doesn't know "Vogue"), and Adel doesn't know how to do the Macarena.
Ultimately, Jon and Adel end up on slop. Andrew, Sara and Heather win a "post prom meal".
Jon is ticked.... but Neda calms him down. I like these two. If they can keep it together, I think they can go a long way.
So we get to the nominations and, no surprise, Andrew is nominated. We come down to Rachelle and Sabrina. Rachelle is very dramatic, complete with running mascara. But in the end, we all saw it coming, Sabrina is nominated.
I didn't like the idea of Canada being HoH, but at least they got the nominations right. Although, I will admit that I felt a split second of sympathy for the nominees as I'm sure it's not easy being nominated. As Andrew put it... being the two that "Canada dislikes the most and want out of the house".
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Big Brother Canada - March 27 (yes, I skipped March 26)
Yes, I'll open by saying, I skipped March 26.... I was tired, and I do this for free...
Anyway, on to the recap.
So we're seeing the friendship between Ika and Adel grow. How unfortunate. I like Adel, he seems like a nice person. I hate to see him hitch his wagon to someone like Ika.
While Ika is talking to Adel in the bedroom, and Ika is making some horribly rude comments about Heather. Heather comes in to give Ika a hug and say she's "sorry they have to be on the block against each other". Heather is too nice for her own good.
Ika decides her new strategy is going to be running to Kenny and telling him what a good idea it would be to keep her in the game. She thinks this strategy is great. My thought was... isn't this what every person on the block does? Goes to the strongest player/alliance in the game and makes an argument for them to stay? Hardly a new strategy. Kenny, however, says Ika is making some "good points". He says Ika "isn't a stupid girl". Well, if you fall for her lies, you are certainly a "stupid boy".
Then we have a lengthy discussion about Sabrina's "emotional game" complete with various clips of her crying to everyone in the house. And basically, everyone has figured out that this is all an act. Well, everyone except maybe Rachelle.
To save Sabrina's "emotions", Sara literally hides while she talks to Kenny so Sabrina doesn't get upset when she sees them talking. Am I the only one that thought this seen was funny and ridiculous at the same time?
Heather decides she wants to make a pillow fort. Fun! So Ika and Adel join in on the fun. Once the fort is made, Ika apologizes for making "personal attacks" on Heather. Even if it wasn't sincere, I'm glad she said it. These girls are so mean to Heather.
Then we get to hear from Rachelle... and this is probably the longest segment we've seen about her this season. "I've gotten used to being a hot dog" (referring to her hotdog costume). Great. And that's it.
The houseguests are in the backyard and Big Brother drops balls on them. *Insert every joke about balls here*. The houseguests try to figure out what the significance is. They all decide that it must have to do with counting how many are there. Everyone gets their guess wrong..... except Ika. So, Ika wins the opportunity to make a decision.... allow houseguests to receive letters from home, or take $5,000.
This challenge generated a lot of discussion online... and a lot of heat from the houseguests.
Ika gets "Topaz-ed" (Season 1 reference) by Big Brother, and they air the footage of her making her decision. She decides to verbalize her thoughts as she makes her decision. As a side-note.... I did see on the live-feeds that Big Brother didn't tell her to talk out loud about her decision... she decided to to that herself.
Anyway, she does agonize over it a bit. She makes some pretty harsh comments about some of the houseguests, including Heather (I guess the apology didn't really mean much), Andrew, Kenny, Sabrina and Sara - which really adds some "sting" to this blow.... she decides to take the money. Andrew and Kenny are particularly angry. Ultimately, Ika makes her decision because she believes choosing the letters isn't going to make a difference, and they will likely vote her out anyway. I tend to agree. And, despite what some of the houseguests say.... I don't believe ALL of them would have chosen the letters. But by airing her comments in the house... it added salt to the wound.
In the end, Ika is voted out. I don't think anyone's surprised about that.
They also reveal to the houseguests that Canada is HOH this week. And I have to say, I hate when Canada is "part of the game". Nobody has really made a big move in this game (except for maybe getting Kyle out), and now Canada gets their "hands dirty" instead of a houseguest. I also always find that when Canada gets involved, people seem to get overly confident if Canada's decision benefits them. I will be interested to see where this goes.
Anyway, on to the recap.
So we're seeing the friendship between Ika and Adel grow. How unfortunate. I like Adel, he seems like a nice person. I hate to see him hitch his wagon to someone like Ika.
While Ika is talking to Adel in the bedroom, and Ika is making some horribly rude comments about Heather. Heather comes in to give Ika a hug and say she's "sorry they have to be on the block against each other". Heather is too nice for her own good.
Ika decides her new strategy is going to be running to Kenny and telling him what a good idea it would be to keep her in the game. She thinks this strategy is great. My thought was... isn't this what every person on the block does? Goes to the strongest player/alliance in the game and makes an argument for them to stay? Hardly a new strategy. Kenny, however, says Ika is making some "good points". He says Ika "isn't a stupid girl". Well, if you fall for her lies, you are certainly a "stupid boy".
Then we have a lengthy discussion about Sabrina's "emotional game" complete with various clips of her crying to everyone in the house. And basically, everyone has figured out that this is all an act. Well, everyone except maybe Rachelle.
To save Sabrina's "emotions", Sara literally hides while she talks to Kenny so Sabrina doesn't get upset when she sees them talking. Am I the only one that thought this seen was funny and ridiculous at the same time?
Heather decides she wants to make a pillow fort. Fun! So Ika and Adel join in on the fun. Once the fort is made, Ika apologizes for making "personal attacks" on Heather. Even if it wasn't sincere, I'm glad she said it. These girls are so mean to Heather.
Then we get to hear from Rachelle... and this is probably the longest segment we've seen about her this season. "I've gotten used to being a hot dog" (referring to her hotdog costume). Great. And that's it.
The houseguests are in the backyard and Big Brother drops balls on them. *Insert every joke about balls here*. The houseguests try to figure out what the significance is. They all decide that it must have to do with counting how many are there. Everyone gets their guess wrong..... except Ika. So, Ika wins the opportunity to make a decision.... allow houseguests to receive letters from home, or take $5,000.
This challenge generated a lot of discussion online... and a lot of heat from the houseguests.
Ika gets "Topaz-ed" (Season 1 reference) by Big Brother, and they air the footage of her making her decision. She decides to verbalize her thoughts as she makes her decision. As a side-note.... I did see on the live-feeds that Big Brother didn't tell her to talk out loud about her decision... she decided to to that herself.
Anyway, she does agonize over it a bit. She makes some pretty harsh comments about some of the houseguests, including Heather (I guess the apology didn't really mean much), Andrew, Kenny, Sabrina and Sara - which really adds some "sting" to this blow.... she decides to take the money. Andrew and Kenny are particularly angry. Ultimately, Ika makes her decision because she believes choosing the letters isn't going to make a difference, and they will likely vote her out anyway. I tend to agree. And, despite what some of the houseguests say.... I don't believe ALL of them would have chosen the letters. But by airing her comments in the house... it added salt to the wound.
In the end, Ika is voted out. I don't think anyone's surprised about that.
They also reveal to the houseguests that Canada is HOH this week. And I have to say, I hate when Canada is "part of the game". Nobody has really made a big move in this game (except for maybe getting Kyle out), and now Canada gets their "hands dirty" instead of a houseguest. I also always find that when Canada gets involved, people seem to get overly confident if Canada's decision benefits them. I will be interested to see where this goes.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Big Brother Canada - March 23
So let's pick up where my last post left off... HOH competition. People are slowly dropping out. My favourite part was when Ika and Heather were out.... can you say TENSION? Anyway, back to the competition. Sarah knows she has to win it, but unfortunately, Rachelle wins in the end. Oops, did I say "unfortunately", I'm not supposed to be biased, right? Actually, I can be, this is my own blog. I'll say it, I don't like Rachelle. Anyway, I said at the end of the previous episode that I thought she looked focused. I think this was a good challenge for "yoga lovers" as they know how to keep difficult poses for a long time. So, there ya go.
I like to call this episode "episode of the cocky players" as everyone is showing their "over-confident" side and talking about what masters of the game they are. Here's the thing, don't ever say things like "you are the puppet master", or "everyone's wrapped around your finger" because those are the kinds of things they replay over and over during your eventual eviction. The exception to the rule, maybe, is Dr. Will. But I digress....
Let's just cut down some of the text in this blog by saying....Kenny is confident, Andrew is confident, Sabrina is confident.... but there are some feeling not so confident. Ika cries about Sarah "ruining" her HOH. Guess Ika wasn't as "in control" as she thought she was. Also not feeling so secure, Sarah. I really feel for Sarah... I think she made the right choice in the vote, but now she has a full-on bullseye on her as a target for the "girls alliance".
Speaking of the girls alliance... I think they're a bit of a mess. And Rachelle as HOH? They may as well have put a mannequin in her place because, everyone is "directing her" as to what she should do. Does this girl not have a thought of her own? I feel like I know nothing about Rachelle... because she rarely talks and doesn't do anything significant. Just my thoughts....
Side note - Rachelle designates Sabrina (who volunteers), Heather, Adel and Arlie as 'have nots".
We have a little bit of fun in this episode when Allison and Jon are selected to go to the Diary Room, they're allowed to drink as much liquor as they like, but they aren't allowed to let on to the houseguests that they've been drinking. They drink a lot of liquor... and no one guesses they've been drinking. BB tells them they've won their challenge, and everyone gets alcohol, even the "have nots". Oh happy days!
Anyway, in the end, Rachelle nominates who she was told to.... Heather and Allison. Heather is told she's the target and Allison is a "pawn". We'll see how that goes.
Well that was a short and sweet wrap up. I'm not going to lie, I wasn't feeling well last night and was only half watching, so if I missed something big, fill us in ... write in the comments section.
I like to call this episode "episode of the cocky players" as everyone is showing their "over-confident" side and talking about what masters of the game they are. Here's the thing, don't ever say things like "you are the puppet master", or "everyone's wrapped around your finger" because those are the kinds of things they replay over and over during your eventual eviction. The exception to the rule, maybe, is Dr. Will. But I digress....
Let's just cut down some of the text in this blog by saying....Kenny is confident, Andrew is confident, Sabrina is confident.... but there are some feeling not so confident. Ika cries about Sarah "ruining" her HOH. Guess Ika wasn't as "in control" as she thought she was. Also not feeling so secure, Sarah. I really feel for Sarah... I think she made the right choice in the vote, but now she has a full-on bullseye on her as a target for the "girls alliance".
Speaking of the girls alliance... I think they're a bit of a mess. And Rachelle as HOH? They may as well have put a mannequin in her place because, everyone is "directing her" as to what she should do. Does this girl not have a thought of her own? I feel like I know nothing about Rachelle... because she rarely talks and doesn't do anything significant. Just my thoughts....
Side note - Rachelle designates Sabrina (who volunteers), Heather, Adel and Arlie as 'have nots".
We have a little bit of fun in this episode when Allison and Jon are selected to go to the Diary Room, they're allowed to drink as much liquor as they like, but they aren't allowed to let on to the houseguests that they've been drinking. They drink a lot of liquor... and no one guesses they've been drinking. BB tells them they've won their challenge, and everyone gets alcohol, even the "have nots". Oh happy days!
Anyway, in the end, Rachelle nominates who she was told to.... Heather and Allison. Heather is told she's the target and Allison is a "pawn". We'll see how that goes.
Well that was a short and sweet wrap up. I'm not going to lie, I wasn't feeling well last night and was only half watching, so if I missed something big, fill us in ... write in the comments section.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Big Brother Canada - March 20
Well, what a night. Lots to get to, so let's dive right in.
Ika sits down with Paul to fill him in on her plan to have Heather evicted and keep Paul. Then she asks him if she can trust him. Um... shouldn't you have asked him that before you told him everything? I mean, what if he said "no you can't trust me".... what could you do? Ask him to forget everything you told him? Anyway, Paul and Adel chat and Adel tells him to keep his mouth shut and don't piss anyone off. Good advice. Seriously. Because evidently, Paul needs to be reminded of that.
Adel has a little meeting with everyone to fill them all in on the outside world... which the most shocking news seemed to be about Roberto Luongo's trade. Neda is devastated over this news. Reality is, he wanted the trade, Neda, so be happy. Anyway... that's all I'll say about that.
Then Adel drops the bomb that he was given a special power and that he isn't going to tell anyone what it is. But then he goes ahead and tells Ika when they are alone. Really? Ika? *sigh* She's the last person that I would have told, but who am I to say who he should have told.
We then get to see a montage of Heather trying to have conversations with people, and they keep telling her their busy and to come back later. This is horrible. Why is everyone so mean to her? I get it's not fun to hang around with someone you may find annoying, but I hate seeing people excluded like this.
So the guys of the "First Five Alliance" want Sara to vote with them to keep Heather in the house. She's torn... and rightfully so. A vote like that would exile her from the girls' alliance... and Sabrina certainly isn't volunteering to do it. And... I'm skeptical that any of those guys would stick their necks out for her like that if the situation were reversed.
So we have a round of "speeches that don't matter because everyone's already made up their mind". Heather says she trusts that people will do what they said they will do. Yeah... honey... you shouldn't... because they aren't going to. Fast forward to the vote. People - just vote... you don't need to make snippy comments (Rachelle "I happily vote to evict, Heather")... ugh.
So Sara shoes me she is braver than I give her credit for... and votes Paul out of the house. I would have loved to have seen the look on Ika's face when that was announced, but anyway.
HOH competition is an endurance one. I will say that Neda and Rachelle looked pretty comfortable...
I won't say who won (because I did see who did)... but expect some interesting things to happen between now and the next episode Sunday night!!!!
And before I sign off... in "celebrity sighting" news... I saw Scott "Contessa" Bosse walking uptown Saint John today. He's having a Meet & Greet tonight at Bourbon Quarter at 7:00 PM for those in town who would like to meet him.
Have anything to say about last night's episode? Rant/Rave away in the comments section!
Ika sits down with Paul to fill him in on her plan to have Heather evicted and keep Paul. Then she asks him if she can trust him. Um... shouldn't you have asked him that before you told him everything? I mean, what if he said "no you can't trust me".... what could you do? Ask him to forget everything you told him? Anyway, Paul and Adel chat and Adel tells him to keep his mouth shut and don't piss anyone off. Good advice. Seriously. Because evidently, Paul needs to be reminded of that.
Adel has a little meeting with everyone to fill them all in on the outside world... which the most shocking news seemed to be about Roberto Luongo's trade. Neda is devastated over this news. Reality is, he wanted the trade, Neda, so be happy. Anyway... that's all I'll say about that.
Then Adel drops the bomb that he was given a special power and that he isn't going to tell anyone what it is. But then he goes ahead and tells Ika when they are alone. Really? Ika? *sigh* She's the last person that I would have told, but who am I to say who he should have told.
We then get to see a montage of Heather trying to have conversations with people, and they keep telling her their busy and to come back later. This is horrible. Why is everyone so mean to her? I get it's not fun to hang around with someone you may find annoying, but I hate seeing people excluded like this.
So the guys of the "First Five Alliance" want Sara to vote with them to keep Heather in the house. She's torn... and rightfully so. A vote like that would exile her from the girls' alliance... and Sabrina certainly isn't volunteering to do it. And... I'm skeptical that any of those guys would stick their necks out for her like that if the situation were reversed.
So we have a round of "speeches that don't matter because everyone's already made up their mind". Heather says she trusts that people will do what they said they will do. Yeah... honey... you shouldn't... because they aren't going to. Fast forward to the vote. People - just vote... you don't need to make snippy comments (Rachelle "I happily vote to evict, Heather")... ugh.
So Sara shoes me she is braver than I give her credit for... and votes Paul out of the house. I would have loved to have seen the look on Ika's face when that was announced, but anyway.
HOH competition is an endurance one. I will say that Neda and Rachelle looked pretty comfortable...
I won't say who won (because I did see who did)... but expect some interesting things to happen between now and the next episode Sunday night!!!!
And before I sign off... in "celebrity sighting" news... I saw Scott "Contessa" Bosse walking uptown Saint John today. He's having a Meet & Greet tonight at Bourbon Quarter at 7:00 PM for those in town who would like to meet him.
Have anything to say about last night's episode? Rant/Rave away in the comments section!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Big Brother - March 16
Let's jump right in tonight's show ... and let me start off by saying, I hate that Ika is HOH. This girl is the worst. She begins the show with her nastiness by making several rude comments about Allison's appearance and indicates she doesn't like her. Then we see that Kenny is kind of freaking out because he's met Allison before, he's afraid he will be "outed" by her. Heather is excited about the prospects of a new blond friend... blah blah.. we continue on with random comments about what people think about her.
Big Brother decides to give the Houseguests some booze to celebrate Allison's entry in to the house. I always enjoy the booze related celebrations. Everyone gets a little loopy and Kenny and Sabrina kiss. Kenny says (in the diary room) that he realizes he's taking advantage of Sabrina's crush on him, but he'll do what he needs to because "it's part of the game". This is a theme he will mention multiple times this episode.
Who wants to see Ika's HOH room??? I don't, but we have to. She reads her letter, everyone cries, blah blah blah. And, not to sound like an insensitive witch, but, are we going to be subjected to crying and dramatics with every letter? I mean, I would be missing my family too, but we're not even half way through the game people... we still have a long way to go.
We have the "Have/Have not" competition. The best part of this competition, which consists of houseguests stomping grapes, gathering the juice, making their way down a slippery slope and trying to fill a vat, is Paul sliding on his butt back and forth. I have to say, I cringe when they have these slippery challenges, because I hate when people slip and hit their heads. Much like Paul did in the beginning of this challenge, and like Heather did a few times. In the end, Paul is slow and his team loses, which means Paul, Jon and Allison are on slop. Welcome to the house Allison, enjoy your slop!
Then the Girls Alliance has a meeting to discuss nominee possibilities. Ika talks about her plan to nominate a girl as a "pawn". My thought was "terrible idea" and evidently Neda thought the same. She tries to talk some sense in to Ika and convince her that the better idea is to nominate the stronger boys. But, as she said earlier in the episode, Ika listens to no one but Ika and ignores Neda's suggestion. Ika then wants someone to voluntarily go up on the block as a "pawn". Um, has Ika never seen this show before? No one wants to go on the block, pawn or not... because you never know.
A quick comedic clip of Paul "losing it" after being on slop for just a short period of time. He threatens to eat some cake. Yikes Paul, I dunno if you're gonna make it.
Now, the nomination ceremony. Some random clips of people saying they think they are safe, including Heather who says "I'm feeling pretty safe. Ika's not going to put me up because I'm her girl.". Famous last words... because guess what? Heather is nominated, and so is Paul.
Thoughts on the nominations? POV results revealed on Wednesday's episode. :)
Big Brother decides to give the Houseguests some booze to celebrate Allison's entry in to the house. I always enjoy the booze related celebrations. Everyone gets a little loopy and Kenny and Sabrina kiss. Kenny says (in the diary room) that he realizes he's taking advantage of Sabrina's crush on him, but he'll do what he needs to because "it's part of the game". This is a theme he will mention multiple times this episode.
Who wants to see Ika's HOH room??? I don't, but we have to. She reads her letter, everyone cries, blah blah blah. And, not to sound like an insensitive witch, but, are we going to be subjected to crying and dramatics with every letter? I mean, I would be missing my family too, but we're not even half way through the game people... we still have a long way to go.
We have the "Have/Have not" competition. The best part of this competition, which consists of houseguests stomping grapes, gathering the juice, making their way down a slippery slope and trying to fill a vat, is Paul sliding on his butt back and forth. I have to say, I cringe when they have these slippery challenges, because I hate when people slip and hit their heads. Much like Paul did in the beginning of this challenge, and like Heather did a few times. In the end, Paul is slow and his team loses, which means Paul, Jon and Allison are on slop. Welcome to the house Allison, enjoy your slop!
Then the Girls Alliance has a meeting to discuss nominee possibilities. Ika talks about her plan to nominate a girl as a "pawn". My thought was "terrible idea" and evidently Neda thought the same. She tries to talk some sense in to Ika and convince her that the better idea is to nominate the stronger boys. But, as she said earlier in the episode, Ika listens to no one but Ika and ignores Neda's suggestion. Ika then wants someone to voluntarily go up on the block as a "pawn". Um, has Ika never seen this show before? No one wants to go on the block, pawn or not... because you never know.
A quick comedic clip of Paul "losing it" after being on slop for just a short period of time. He threatens to eat some cake. Yikes Paul, I dunno if you're gonna make it.
Now, the nomination ceremony. Some random clips of people saying they think they are safe, including Heather who says "I'm feeling pretty safe. Ika's not going to put me up because I'm her girl.". Famous last words... because guess what? Heather is nominated, and so is Paul.
Thoughts on the nominations? POV results revealed on Wednesday's episode. :)
Friday, March 14, 2014
Big Brother Canada - March 13
Big episode tonight! A word of warning to start - with a sick husband and child, I truly am an overtired mommy, so this post will likely lack humour and may have the occasional irrational thought/rambling. Enjoy:
We start the episode with a recap of the last... and pickup again at the POV competition. Cut to the chase, Kenny wins (yay).
Flip over to the "other side" of the house, and there's some discussion about the "prep work" involved when Scott transforms in to Contessa. I love that all 3 houseguests worked on the transformation. I really like all three of them, it's a shame only one gets in to the house.
At the POV ceremony, Kenny allows the nominees to "tell him why he should use the POV on them". Can I just say, I hate these speeches. I mean, the POV holder has already made up their mind at this point whether they will use it or not, and if either nominee was planning to make a "plea" for the POV to be used, they usually have already done it before the actual ceremony. It's just unnecessary, and the speeches are never really very exciting anyway.
I have to admit that I laughed when Paul said his "plan to be the villain" was working. Is it? Perhaps I don't totally understand the point of the "plan", but anyway.
So we have a little clip of the Neda & Jon "hate fest" via Andrew. Neda indicates that all the girls in the house are sucking up to Andrew... flash to a shot of all the girls in bed with Andrew. What? What exactly was happening in that clip? That was weird.
Now a scene with the "outcast alliance" of Paul, Adel and Kyle. They talk about "what not to do" in the Big Brother house, and number one is never accuse someone of being racist. Should go without saying, but it was a funny scene.
Now the eviction ceremony... complete with more speeches that don't matter. Hate to tell you nominees, but everyone already has their minds made up at this point. So the only one who votes to keep Kyle is Adel. So bye bye Kyle. Just a side note that Paul apologized to Andrew during his speech. So does that mean his "plan to be the villain" is over?
When Kyle comes out, he makes a passionate speech about this life changing experience. It was really nice. Nice to see he has some redeeming qualities.
The HOH competition consists of questions about things that happened in the house. I will admit that I knew the answers to very few of the questions. The winner is Ika. Really? Ika? Boo. I was hoping for her to be nominated. But oh well, that's for another week.
Now it's time to find out how's going in to the house... and despite everyone claiming it was rigged so Scott would get in... Allison is voted in. Nate and Scott look devastated (although Nate gives a sad smile). Allison is told that she can't tell any houseguests about being in the secret room, about Scott and Nate, or about seeing some of the live feeds. If she reveals any of this information, she will be evicted.
She is escorted in to the house, and when the houseguests come in, she pretends to act surprised that they're already there. I guess that's one way to get around it.
I can't wait to see how she makes out. But I'm kind of assuming she will become a target because she's "the new girl".
What did you think of tonight's episode?
We start the episode with a recap of the last... and pickup again at the POV competition. Cut to the chase, Kenny wins (yay).
Flip over to the "other side" of the house, and there's some discussion about the "prep work" involved when Scott transforms in to Contessa. I love that all 3 houseguests worked on the transformation. I really like all three of them, it's a shame only one gets in to the house.
At the POV ceremony, Kenny allows the nominees to "tell him why he should use the POV on them". Can I just say, I hate these speeches. I mean, the POV holder has already made up their mind at this point whether they will use it or not, and if either nominee was planning to make a "plea" for the POV to be used, they usually have already done it before the actual ceremony. It's just unnecessary, and the speeches are never really very exciting anyway.
I have to admit that I laughed when Paul said his "plan to be the villain" was working. Is it? Perhaps I don't totally understand the point of the "plan", but anyway.
So we have a little clip of the Neda & Jon "hate fest" via Andrew. Neda indicates that all the girls in the house are sucking up to Andrew... flash to a shot of all the girls in bed with Andrew. What? What exactly was happening in that clip? That was weird.
Now a scene with the "outcast alliance" of Paul, Adel and Kyle. They talk about "what not to do" in the Big Brother house, and number one is never accuse someone of being racist. Should go without saying, but it was a funny scene.
Now the eviction ceremony... complete with more speeches that don't matter. Hate to tell you nominees, but everyone already has their minds made up at this point. So the only one who votes to keep Kyle is Adel. So bye bye Kyle. Just a side note that Paul apologized to Andrew during his speech. So does that mean his "plan to be the villain" is over?
When Kyle comes out, he makes a passionate speech about this life changing experience. It was really nice. Nice to see he has some redeeming qualities.
The HOH competition consists of questions about things that happened in the house. I will admit that I knew the answers to very few of the questions. The winner is Ika. Really? Ika? Boo. I was hoping for her to be nominated. But oh well, that's for another week.
Now it's time to find out how's going in to the house... and despite everyone claiming it was rigged so Scott would get in... Allison is voted in. Nate and Scott look devastated (although Nate gives a sad smile). Allison is told that she can't tell any houseguests about being in the secret room, about Scott and Nate, or about seeing some of the live feeds. If she reveals any of this information, she will be evicted.
She is escorted in to the house, and when the houseguests come in, she pretends to act surprised that they're already there. I guess that's one way to get around it.
I can't wait to see how she makes out. But I'm kind of assuming she will become a target because she's "the new girl".
What did you think of tonight's episode?
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Big Brother Canada - March 12
As always, we begin tonight's episode with a recap of what just happened at the end of the previous episode - specifically, Paul calling Andrew sexist and racist. Yikes. We see several people jump up, some yell, some just sit in silence ( the look on Adel's face is priceless). Then Paul heads to the bathroom where he does a little monologue to indicate this was all part of his plan. Really? Because I feel like you're just trying to "save face"... but even if that's true... your plan is terrible. Probably one of the worst plans I've ever heard. I'm pretty sure accusing someone of being racist and sexist is not a good way to win the game... He said he has to be "the bad guy" for a bit. Yeah, the "bad guy" thing worked for Dr. Will (remember the "I hate you all" speech?), but this is different. It's not like you were just saying you don't like him... you accused him of being RACIST. Particularly telling was the exchange between Ika and Paul:
Ika - "You can't just call people racist"
Paul - "I'm just hurt, that's all".
Oooohhhh well then, that's a good reason to call someone racist.
So the drama carries on for a bit, so Big Brother decides to tackle the situation head-on, by forcing the houseguests to do a team building activity. Ah yes, team building... those two words that every office worker shudders at when it's mentioned for a staff meeting. So it involves houseguests guiding blindfolded houseguests around the house and having them clean while blindfolded. Ahhh... I see what you did there Big Brother. The house was gross. I mean so dirty. Here's an example (keep in mind, this screen shot was from the live feeds the first day they were live):
And all bedrooms are just as messy. So I guess this was one way to get the houseguests to clean up their mess, since they don't seem to interested in doing it themselves. I think the highlight of this activity was watching Kyle fix his hair and check himself out while he was "helping".
So everyone says how fun it is blah blah blah.
On to the POV competition. Turns out everyone competing in the competition gets a preview of the movie Divergent. I'm not going to lie... I'm jealous. I would like to see it too.
Anyway, they watch the movie, and cue all of your typical movie comments "special effects were awesome", " great plot", etc. My favourite though, was this comment: "The similarities between this movie and the Big Brother house are incredible". Um yeah, I don't know how many of you read the book, but *spoiler alert*, people are trying to kill each other.... so obviously that was meant figuratively, or there's some pretty serious drama that they're not airing on the show.
Flip over to the other side of the house... aka... the 3 potential houseguests. They get a glimpse in to the drama that Paul started... they're all shocked. Then Big Brother gives them an hour to choose a costume and think about what they will say to Canada to encourage viewers to vote them in the house. They stress about their costumes. Newsflash... I don't really care what you're wearing... rest assured, you could have the most clever/awesome costume ever... but if you are annoying or some kind of jerk, I'm not voting for you.
In Allison's message, she said she's been watching the show since she was 11. Yikes. I feel old.
Scott dresses in drag and gives a shout-out to Saint John. I love it. Although, I'm reading a lot of people getting a hate on for him because people feel that Big Brother is "favouring him". I'm not really sure what that means. I haven't analyzed how much he's been on screen compared to anyone else, so I guess I don't know.
And Nate... he seems nice enough, just not sure he's a "grab your attention" kind of guy the way Allison and Scott seem to be.
So POV challenge... you have to face your fears. Paul is scared of heights. As much as I dislike him in this episode... I can relate. Nice of Kyle and Adel to come over and encourage him as well. That will be the extent of my praise for any of these people for tonight's show.
So the winner is..... we have to wait. Big Brother decides to go the "cliffhanger" route and make us wait until the next episode.
Although not me.... I'm impatient, so I read the spoilers. So I already know. :) But I won't spoil it for you.
What do you think about tonight's episode? Who's going home? Who's going in the house? I guess we'll find out!
Ika - "You can't just call people racist"
Paul - "I'm just hurt, that's all".
Oooohhhh well then, that's a good reason to call someone racist.
So the drama carries on for a bit, so Big Brother decides to tackle the situation head-on, by forcing the houseguests to do a team building activity. Ah yes, team building... those two words that every office worker shudders at when it's mentioned for a staff meeting. So it involves houseguests guiding blindfolded houseguests around the house and having them clean while blindfolded. Ahhh... I see what you did there Big Brother. The house was gross. I mean so dirty. Here's an example (keep in mind, this screen shot was from the live feeds the first day they were live):
And all bedrooms are just as messy. So I guess this was one way to get the houseguests to clean up their mess, since they don't seem to interested in doing it themselves. I think the highlight of this activity was watching Kyle fix his hair and check himself out while he was "helping".
So everyone says how fun it is blah blah blah.
On to the POV competition. Turns out everyone competing in the competition gets a preview of the movie Divergent. I'm not going to lie... I'm jealous. I would like to see it too.
Anyway, they watch the movie, and cue all of your typical movie comments "special effects were awesome", " great plot", etc. My favourite though, was this comment: "The similarities between this movie and the Big Brother house are incredible". Um yeah, I don't know how many of you read the book, but *spoiler alert*, people are trying to kill each other.... so obviously that was meant figuratively, or there's some pretty serious drama that they're not airing on the show.
Flip over to the other side of the house... aka... the 3 potential houseguests. They get a glimpse in to the drama that Paul started... they're all shocked. Then Big Brother gives them an hour to choose a costume and think about what they will say to Canada to encourage viewers to vote them in the house. They stress about their costumes. Newsflash... I don't really care what you're wearing... rest assured, you could have the most clever/awesome costume ever... but if you are annoying or some kind of jerk, I'm not voting for you.
In Allison's message, she said she's been watching the show since she was 11. Yikes. I feel old.
Scott dresses in drag and gives a shout-out to Saint John. I love it. Although, I'm reading a lot of people getting a hate on for him because people feel that Big Brother is "favouring him". I'm not really sure what that means. I haven't analyzed how much he's been on screen compared to anyone else, so I guess I don't know.
And Nate... he seems nice enough, just not sure he's a "grab your attention" kind of guy the way Allison and Scott seem to be.
So POV challenge... you have to face your fears. Paul is scared of heights. As much as I dislike him in this episode... I can relate. Nice of Kyle and Adel to come over and encourage him as well. That will be the extent of my praise for any of these people for tonight's show.
So the winner is..... we have to wait. Big Brother decides to go the "cliffhanger" route and make us wait until the next episode.
Although not me.... I'm impatient, so I read the spoilers. So I already know. :) But I won't spoil it for you.
What do you think about tonight's episode? Who's going home? Who's going in the house? I guess we'll find out!
Monday, March 10, 2014
Big Brother - March 9th episode
Ok, so I'm posting this a little later than usual (ie - later than my previous two posts). But the 10 PM Atlantic time start time is late for overtired mamas with little ones that like to wake up at 6 AM (PS- boo time change! .... also... Boo to the even later start time of Revenge, but that's another story).
Anyway, so we spend the first 5 minutes of the episode recaping what happened in the last episode. So we get a first real look at the 3 people trying to be the final houseguest. and, wait a second... there's no where to pee? How does this work? I demand to know the logistics! Anyway, I also noticed the excitement of finding out that Allison is from St. John's, Nfld... I'm pretty sure people assume that means "party time"... and maybe it does.. I dunno. I did laugh when Scott said "I'm from Saint John, New Brunswick!" and the other two said "OOOHHHH!" with equal enthusiasm... but I'm pretty sure they 1- don't know where that is and/or 2 - don't care. But yay! We're friends!
Then fast forward to the conversation between Heather and Andrew. Heather says she thinks that Andrew stands a good chance to win HOH (spoiler alert), so she wants to suck up. Which consists of her saying "do you think I'm pretty?" *Gag*
Then we find out that Heather's a big gossip. *shocker*... or not.
Now for the HOH competition... they're all dressed as farmers.... and Paul is dressed as a chicken..... although Kyle chooses to refer to the "rooster" in different terms. *sigh*
I only half listened to the instructions. Something about getting lots of potatoes. And the first two teams eliminated are going to be have nots.
When it comes time to dig for more potatoes... Arlie's "kick digging" was hilarious. He looked like he was having some kind of seizure. I recommend going to watch it if you have a chance to see a re-run.
Is it just me, or did it look like Rachelle and Kyle had the same amount of potatoes.... and he was struggling just as much as her? What are those muscles for?
I feel like the rest of this competition is taking forever. Side note - I love Jon and Kenny... still my faves so far. But, unfortunately, Jon can't hang on anymore... so it's down to Andrew and Arlie..... but he looks like he is going to die, although he says it's part of the act, because he really doesn't want to win. Spoiler alert - he doesn't win. But as a side note - Arlie is the worst actor, but everyone's buying it.
So, we see the other 3 freaking out over the feeds. Scott is freaking out over how "hot" these guys are.
Heather and Rachelle have a conversation. Boring. Plus, both of these girls are terrible actors.... especially Heather. When a girl talks to you in a baby voice... unless it's their natural voice tone... they're being fake.
Andrew's HOH room. Pictures, letter... usual. Everyone's crying again.
And now that the mushy stuff is over... well actually, speaking of mushy... SLOP! So they can eat slop and all the potatoes they want. Heather sulks. Really? Potatoes are awesome. Although, not raw like Neda is eating them. Then they get to see their half room. The girls proceed to be dramatic.
Then there's some discussion of the first five aliance - Sabrina, Kenny, Andrew, Arlie and Sarah. And they discuss who to vote out. "Vote your biggest threat out"... wow, great advice.
What happened to Paul? Now he's crying about this game changing him and he doesn't like gossipy people Seriously? Hasn't Paul been gossiping? Crying is his strategy? Ugh. He's saying Andrew is sexist and racist. Are we trying to turn this in to BB15? I'm glad that Ika is not buying in to this.
Back to HOH, more discussion about who to nominate. Boring.
And now the other 3. So, they look to be coming out from somewhere... where were they? Anyway, who cares, they have alcohol! So they are pumped. PARTAY!
Nominations - Paul and Neda.
Neda cries. Andrew says she's too social.
He says he nominated Paul because he's a hypocrite and slandered him.
Ceremony is over, everyone hugs Neda. Paul launches in to a rant about how sexist and racist Andrew is. Andrew is not my favourite, but terrible stuff. Everyone tells him to shut up. Adel rubs his shoulders (why? I don't know).
That's all she wrote.
Anyway, so we spend the first 5 minutes of the episode recaping what happened in the last episode. So we get a first real look at the 3 people trying to be the final houseguest. and, wait a second... there's no where to pee? How does this work? I demand to know the logistics! Anyway, I also noticed the excitement of finding out that Allison is from St. John's, Nfld... I'm pretty sure people assume that means "party time"... and maybe it does.. I dunno. I did laugh when Scott said "I'm from Saint John, New Brunswick!" and the other two said "OOOHHHH!" with equal enthusiasm... but I'm pretty sure they 1- don't know where that is and/or 2 - don't care. But yay! We're friends!
Then fast forward to the conversation between Heather and Andrew. Heather says she thinks that Andrew stands a good chance to win HOH (spoiler alert), so she wants to suck up. Which consists of her saying "do you think I'm pretty?" *Gag*
Then we find out that Heather's a big gossip. *shocker*... or not.
Now for the HOH competition... they're all dressed as farmers.... and Paul is dressed as a chicken..... although Kyle chooses to refer to the "rooster" in different terms. *sigh*
I only half listened to the instructions. Something about getting lots of potatoes. And the first two teams eliminated are going to be have nots.
When it comes time to dig for more potatoes... Arlie's "kick digging" was hilarious. He looked like he was having some kind of seizure. I recommend going to watch it if you have a chance to see a re-run.
Is it just me, or did it look like Rachelle and Kyle had the same amount of potatoes.... and he was struggling just as much as her? What are those muscles for?
I feel like the rest of this competition is taking forever. Side note - I love Jon and Kenny... still my faves so far. But, unfortunately, Jon can't hang on anymore... so it's down to Andrew and Arlie..... but he looks like he is going to die, although he says it's part of the act, because he really doesn't want to win. Spoiler alert - he doesn't win. But as a side note - Arlie is the worst actor, but everyone's buying it.
So, we see the other 3 freaking out over the feeds. Scott is freaking out over how "hot" these guys are.
Heather and Rachelle have a conversation. Boring. Plus, both of these girls are terrible actors.... especially Heather. When a girl talks to you in a baby voice... unless it's their natural voice tone... they're being fake.
Andrew's HOH room. Pictures, letter... usual. Everyone's crying again.
And now that the mushy stuff is over... well actually, speaking of mushy... SLOP! So they can eat slop and all the potatoes they want. Heather sulks. Really? Potatoes are awesome. Although, not raw like Neda is eating them. Then they get to see their half room. The girls proceed to be dramatic.
Then there's some discussion of the first five aliance - Sabrina, Kenny, Andrew, Arlie and Sarah. And they discuss who to vote out. "Vote your biggest threat out"... wow, great advice.
What happened to Paul? Now he's crying about this game changing him and he doesn't like gossipy people Seriously? Hasn't Paul been gossiping? Crying is his strategy? Ugh. He's saying Andrew is sexist and racist. Are we trying to turn this in to BB15? I'm glad that Ika is not buying in to this.
Back to HOH, more discussion about who to nominate. Boring.
And now the other 3. So, they look to be coming out from somewhere... where were they? Anyway, who cares, they have alcohol! So they are pumped. PARTAY!
Nominations - Paul and Neda.
Neda cries. Andrew says she's too social.
He says he nominated Paul because he's a hypocrite and slandered him.
Ceremony is over, everyone hugs Neda. Paul launches in to a rant about how sexist and racist Andrew is. Andrew is not my favourite, but terrible stuff. Everyone tells him to shut up. Adel rubs his shoulders (why? I don't know).
That's all she wrote.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Big Brother Canada - Night 2!
I will start this post by saying that my daughter has a cold and has been up continuously through the night all week, so I truly am an "overtired mama" today, and this will truly be my "ramblings".
So let's get on to my ramblings about last night's show:
So we start the show with Anick wanting to start a bit of a "love movement" after her nomination. She does some "stuff" in the BB bedroom... I'm not familiar with any of this Reiki type stuff, so I really can't tell you what she's doing. However, my favourite line was from Jon Pardy: "This is the first time I've heard of the Zen touchy thing". Love it.
Next, we get to see Paul's HOH room, complete with a letter from his wife. There is crying. Then after he reads the letter he says he's happy to hear everything's under control at home. Look, I know it's very emotional being away from your family, but if on Day 2, things aren't under control at home... there's a problem.
Then, nominations. I did laugh at the montage of Paul's "Godfather-type" moments. In the end, he nominates Anick and Andrew. Anyone else find it odd that there was no explanation given? Don't they usually seize their 15 minutes of fame and do a big monologue about why they nominated people?
During the POV competition, which has to do with superheros unscrewing bolts and cutting through wire fences (huh?)... we see the true range of the special effects involved in BB Canada when they do a slow motion shot of Andrew winning the competition. Ohh la la!
So then Anick continues her "love movement" and decides to have a relaxation circle with everyone. So, I get it, not everyone is in to meditation, Reiki or things like that... however, laughing when someone is sharing something they love is pretty rude. This is exactly what Ika does, and more than once. There are a few other giggles from other houseguests, but this girl is laughing out loud. I'm not liking her.
Now we have the most predictable POV ceremony ever. Andrew uses the POV on himself, and, because she's annoying people, Ika goes up in his place. She talks about how Paul will feel the "wrath of Ika". Sounds nice, sweetie, but you have to win some competitions first in order for him to "feel your wrath", n'est-ce pas?
The vote. Despite what people were saying online, I do think that Anick knew she was going to be evicted, although I do think she was shocked that it was 11-0.
Side note - Thanks to @hamsterwatch for letting people know that the 1-5 symbol that some of the houseguests did when they voted was a symbol for their alliance... the first five who went in the house. I did not know this alliance existed.
So we meet the other 3 houseguests trying to win a spot in the house: Allison, Scott and .... the other guy. Terrible, but I don't remember that guy's name... and by the sounds of it... we won't have to remember his name as it appears to be a race between Allison and Scott for a spot in the house. These 3 houseguests will be living in a room together for a week. They are able to watch the other houseguests, but can't hear what they're saying. Interesting.
I have a theory that whoever is voted in to the house will automatically be targeted by the other houseguests, but I guess only time will tell.
Log on to to vote!
Have thoughts on tonight's episode? Share them in the "comments".
So let's get on to my ramblings about last night's show:
So we start the show with Anick wanting to start a bit of a "love movement" after her nomination. She does some "stuff" in the BB bedroom... I'm not familiar with any of this Reiki type stuff, so I really can't tell you what she's doing. However, my favourite line was from Jon Pardy: "This is the first time I've heard of the Zen touchy thing". Love it.
Next, we get to see Paul's HOH room, complete with a letter from his wife. There is crying. Then after he reads the letter he says he's happy to hear everything's under control at home. Look, I know it's very emotional being away from your family, but if on Day 2, things aren't under control at home... there's a problem.
Then, nominations. I did laugh at the montage of Paul's "Godfather-type" moments. In the end, he nominates Anick and Andrew. Anyone else find it odd that there was no explanation given? Don't they usually seize their 15 minutes of fame and do a big monologue about why they nominated people?
During the POV competition, which has to do with superheros unscrewing bolts and cutting through wire fences (huh?)... we see the true range of the special effects involved in BB Canada when they do a slow motion shot of Andrew winning the competition. Ohh la la!
So then Anick continues her "love movement" and decides to have a relaxation circle with everyone. So, I get it, not everyone is in to meditation, Reiki or things like that... however, laughing when someone is sharing something they love is pretty rude. This is exactly what Ika does, and more than once. There are a few other giggles from other houseguests, but this girl is laughing out loud. I'm not liking her.
Now we have the most predictable POV ceremony ever. Andrew uses the POV on himself, and, because she's annoying people, Ika goes up in his place. She talks about how Paul will feel the "wrath of Ika". Sounds nice, sweetie, but you have to win some competitions first in order for him to "feel your wrath", n'est-ce pas?
The vote. Despite what people were saying online, I do think that Anick knew she was going to be evicted, although I do think she was shocked that it was 11-0.
Side note - Thanks to @hamsterwatch for letting people know that the 1-5 symbol that some of the houseguests did when they voted was a symbol for their alliance... the first five who went in the house. I did not know this alliance existed.
So we meet the other 3 houseguests trying to win a spot in the house: Allison, Scott and .... the other guy. Terrible, but I don't remember that guy's name... and by the sounds of it... we won't have to remember his name as it appears to be a race between Allison and Scott for a spot in the house. These 3 houseguests will be living in a room together for a week. They are able to watch the other houseguests, but can't hear what they're saying. Interesting.
I have a theory that whoever is voted in to the house will automatically be targeted by the other houseguests, but I guess only time will tell.
Log on to to vote!
Have thoughts on tonight's episode? Share them in the "comments".
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Big Brother Canada!!
So, as anyone who reads this blog would know, I am a huge reality TV fan. I may or may not have been referred to as "obsessed" with reality TV. ANYWAY, my favourite reality TV show is Big Brother.... so even better.... we have Big Brother CANADA. The second season started last night, and here are my ramblings about last night's show:
We have the first group of houseguests to enter the house, and already I love Kenny. He's the bearded model from Newfoundland.
Sabrina... I feel like she could get annoying... but I'll reserve judgment on her, for now.
Arlie... I didn't like his intro video, I felt like it was trying too hard to be funny... but came off as annoying. Just me?
Kyle.... I can't even...
John Pardy... clearly one of my favourites already. Not just because he's a hockey player. As a former Puckbunny... I have always had a weakness for hockey players, but that's not why I like him.... he seems like a good time guy. But not over the top.
Anick... She seems a little kooky... and I felt like she was trying to be the next Talla (Season 1), but not succeeding. Not really sure about her.
My other two faves were Rachelle... the yoga girl... and Paul... the dad/motivational speaker.
As for the rest, none of them were particularly notable... at least in my book... and at least for the first episode.
Then came the HOH challenge. How Canadian... standing on a block of ice for as long as you can. I probably would have lasted exactly 0.0000000293 seconds. I hate cold.
People gradually start stepping off their ice. Then big brother provides temptation in the form of "coolers with prizes in them that 'could' help your game". Heather gets down and wins $1000. Lucky her! Then Ika gets down... and has to wear her bikini for 48 hours. Womp womp (that was my attempt at the game show "you lost the prize" sound).
Paul negotiates with everyone left that he will give them immunity this week (i.e. - not nominate them) if they all get down. Everyone agrees, and Paul wins HOH.
Then we find out the first "surprise" of the season. Canada is going to choose the 15th houseguest from a group of 3 that will be living in the house, but in a separate room that the other houseguests don't know about. The 3 house guests are:
- Allison, a nurse from St John's, Nfld
- Nate, a sheet metal worker from Burnaby, BC - Side note - he describes himself and "fun, outgoing and gorgeous" on his bio. We already have one guy in the house that thinks he's gorgeous, do we need two?
- Scott, a "medical secretary by day, event producer, make up artist and drag queen" by night from Saint John, NB, currently living in Halifax. Side note - they misspelled Saint John (St. John) on the Slice website... and given that this is my hometown.. I know we don't like that... but I digress.
So I'm hoping that Scott is voted in... mostly because he's from Saint John... but also because his bio is funny.. I like his humour, although I do get the impression that he get to be a bit much with his "over-the-top-ness" (you like that word I just made up?).
Anyway, those are my ramblings on the first show.
And hey - the two of you who read this blog - what did you think about it? Do you agree with my favourites? Who do you want to vote in to the house? So many questions, so few people reading this blog that will respond... but there you have it. haha
We have the first group of houseguests to enter the house, and already I love Kenny. He's the bearded model from Newfoundland.
Sabrina... I feel like she could get annoying... but I'll reserve judgment on her, for now.
Arlie... I didn't like his intro video, I felt like it was trying too hard to be funny... but came off as annoying. Just me?
Kyle.... I can't even...
John Pardy... clearly one of my favourites already. Not just because he's a hockey player. As a former Puckbunny... I have always had a weakness for hockey players, but that's not why I like him.... he seems like a good time guy. But not over the top.
Anick... She seems a little kooky... and I felt like she was trying to be the next Talla (Season 1), but not succeeding. Not really sure about her.
My other two faves were Rachelle... the yoga girl... and Paul... the dad/motivational speaker.
As for the rest, none of them were particularly notable... at least in my book... and at least for the first episode.
Then came the HOH challenge. How Canadian... standing on a block of ice for as long as you can. I probably would have lasted exactly 0.0000000293 seconds. I hate cold.
People gradually start stepping off their ice. Then big brother provides temptation in the form of "coolers with prizes in them that 'could' help your game". Heather gets down and wins $1000. Lucky her! Then Ika gets down... and has to wear her bikini for 48 hours. Womp womp (that was my attempt at the game show "you lost the prize" sound).
Paul negotiates with everyone left that he will give them immunity this week (i.e. - not nominate them) if they all get down. Everyone agrees, and Paul wins HOH.
Then we find out the first "surprise" of the season. Canada is going to choose the 15th houseguest from a group of 3 that will be living in the house, but in a separate room that the other houseguests don't know about. The 3 house guests are:
- Allison, a nurse from St John's, Nfld
- Nate, a sheet metal worker from Burnaby, BC - Side note - he describes himself and "fun, outgoing and gorgeous" on his bio. We already have one guy in the house that thinks he's gorgeous, do we need two?
- Scott, a "medical secretary by day, event producer, make up artist and drag queen" by night from Saint John, NB, currently living in Halifax. Side note - they misspelled Saint John (St. John) on the Slice website... and given that this is my hometown.. I know we don't like that... but I digress.
So I'm hoping that Scott is voted in... mostly because he's from Saint John... but also because his bio is funny.. I like his humour, although I do get the impression that he get to be a bit much with his "over-the-top-ness" (you like that word I just made up?).
Anyway, those are my ramblings on the first show.
And hey - the two of you who read this blog - what did you think about it? Do you agree with my favourites? Who do you want to vote in to the house? So many questions, so few people reading this blog that will respond... but there you have it. haha
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