Amber is trying to badger Frankie about why she's on the block. He tries to play dumb and makes it look like Caleb was the reason she's up. Amber's mad and goes to confront him... and he doesn't deny it. He says he did it because it's "about trust". She lets him know she's mad. Now he's feeling it was a mistake, so he creepily stares at her while she's in the back yard. He apologizes to her and throws his entire alliance under the bus.
Caleb goes to talk to Frankie and says "Amber doesn't deserve to be on the block". He's feeling guilty. And he cries. Geez.... this guy has it bad. It's actually a little scary.
So, Cody decides to ask Amber if she likes Caleb... and Amber starts crying. She tells Christine she doesn't like him "like that" and he's ruining her game. And like Christine always does... she runs and tells the Alliance, and Frankie plots his way to tell Caleb about this.
So Caleb comes to plead Amber's case... and Frankie drops the bomb. Caleb, of course, freaks out and wants to go confront her. He pulls his hood up over his head... looking like Eminem in 8 mile... or a serial killer... take your pick.
Julie checks in with the houseguests and brings up Zach's outbursts. He tells Julie he hates everyone. He's trying too hard to be Dr. Will.
Team America needs to vote against the rest of the house and accuse two others of doing it. Wow America... brutal. Donny is practical and says they need to decline the challenge because it would hurt their game...and so out of character.
So when the vote starts... Donny votes with the house... he apologizes to America. AND Amber goes home. Bye bye. She didn't even get a vote from her boy toy.
Amber is the first person I've seen resist hugs... she just blew kisses and said she wasn't going to say anything about anyone's game.
Amber says she feels betrayed by Caleb, but believe his vote was personal, and she says she just wasn't willing to pretend she was in to him.
Julie mentions the flirting between Cody and Amber... she says she does feel betrayed by him. She uses the "we're like brother and sister" line... right.
Goodbye messages..... Caleb refers to himself as King of the house (what?), and Donny makes Amber cry.
Amber says she thinks Donny is running the house.
The houseguests find the memory wall was replaced with HOH video loops. Everyone realizes that this must be related to the HOH competition. So now they have to answer questions about the loops. Zach, Nicole, Caleb, Donny and Hayden are left in the game when Julie says they've run out of time in the live broadcast. What?! Too be continued? I can't take the suspense. :)
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 16
Plan is still on to try to backdoor Amber. And Christine and Nicole celebrate their victory and that Zach is not the HOH anymore. Aaaaand... cue Victoria crying. Ugh. She blames Jocasta for the loss. I watched the challenge... I would beg to differ... I would blame Victoria. But who am I?
Zach decides he's going to poke a sleeping bear.... and by that I mean taunt the have-nots by eating food in front of them. Ok, that's just cruel. Who wants to be in an alliance with this nut job? Does Zach not remember that things could be turned around next week and he could be nominated? How are you going to get any votes to stay if you're mean to people all the time?! Cody and Frankie say that he has turned in to Devin. I would tend to agree. Frankie tries to talk sense in to Zach and tells him to calm the frig down... and "have a nice week". Good try. His plan is to keep him bottled up until the POV.... so Team America wins their challenge.
Nicole prepares to strip out of the Germitard. She does a little strip tease. Hilarious.
Hayden decides he wants Victoria on their side. So he talks Victoria in to picking him at the Veto. Nicole gets a little jealous thinking they were close to kissing. Nicole says in the diary room that she doesn't like Victoria around Hayden.
Frankie had some bad news last week with the passing of his grandfather. Derrick gets news this week that HIS grandfather passed away. He talks about how hard it is being away from his family. This is where Big Brother really is challenging. Situations like this are so hard to be away from family.
Amber and Caleb in the kitchen. He talks about how great their date was (um.. it was?) and now she's ignoring him, and he doesn't get it. He says he doesn't care anymore (and we get a montage of how many times he's said it). Funny Caleb, we don't really believe you. Caleb says he's back in beastmode.
Then over to the "bromance". Zach and Frankie. Zach says if he was gay that Frankie would be his guy. Aw.
Veto competition. Players are Frankie, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny, Hayden, and Christine.
Caleb pouts again over Amber, and says, for about the 10th time this episode, "the romantic cowboy is gone". I don't even know what to say about this anymore.
POV - Country theme.
Caleb's still talking about Beast mode cowboy. Ok... sit down "Beast".
They have to gallop on horses then balance gold bars. Whatever.
Winner - Hayden. He's pumped.
Detonators ask Hayden what he's going to do. He says he's going to use the POV on Victoria to gain an ally, and he's loving the "backdoor Amber" plan. Next, they want to "sell" the plan to Caleb. And now, because of the "showmance that never was" (as Zach put it) is over (?) it's now seriously awkward when they're in the same room. Zach decides to stir things up. Goes to Caleb and says that Amber came out and says she was using him. Caleb says he's going to "give her a big scare and get her back in line". Caleb is on board with nominating her. He goes and talks to Frankie... says he wants to nominate her. How sweet... he thinks it's his idea. He says that he runs the house. And he says "at the end of the day, I know who she's going to come to". Yikes.
Back to Team America.... they're plotting the nomination fall out. So, they want Zach to "go off" on Amber. Donny's excited for the entertainment and he tells America to "enjoy the show". How can you not love that guy.
On to POV ceremony. The nominees give their speeches. Ultimately, Hayden saves Victoria. Amber seems surprised.... but not as much as she is when Frankie nominates her. Although she's sure it was a plan all along. And Zach attack!! He says how happy he is she's nominated, and he talks about how wonderful Beast Mode Cowboy is to her. He keeps pushing... even asks her for a response, and she remains silent.
Sorry Team America. Fail.
Jocasta is feeling pretty safe after that speech.
Yay for eviction night tomorrow!
Zach decides he's going to poke a sleeping bear.... and by that I mean taunt the have-nots by eating food in front of them. Ok, that's just cruel. Who wants to be in an alliance with this nut job? Does Zach not remember that things could be turned around next week and he could be nominated? How are you going to get any votes to stay if you're mean to people all the time?! Cody and Frankie say that he has turned in to Devin. I would tend to agree. Frankie tries to talk sense in to Zach and tells him to calm the frig down... and "have a nice week". Good try. His plan is to keep him bottled up until the POV.... so Team America wins their challenge.
Nicole prepares to strip out of the Germitard. She does a little strip tease. Hilarious.
Hayden decides he wants Victoria on their side. So he talks Victoria in to picking him at the Veto. Nicole gets a little jealous thinking they were close to kissing. Nicole says in the diary room that she doesn't like Victoria around Hayden.
Frankie had some bad news last week with the passing of his grandfather. Derrick gets news this week that HIS grandfather passed away. He talks about how hard it is being away from his family. This is where Big Brother really is challenging. Situations like this are so hard to be away from family.
Amber and Caleb in the kitchen. He talks about how great their date was (um.. it was?) and now she's ignoring him, and he doesn't get it. He says he doesn't care anymore (and we get a montage of how many times he's said it). Funny Caleb, we don't really believe you. Caleb says he's back in beastmode.
Then over to the "bromance". Zach and Frankie. Zach says if he was gay that Frankie would be his guy. Aw.
Veto competition. Players are Frankie, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny, Hayden, and Christine.
Caleb pouts again over Amber, and says, for about the 10th time this episode, "the romantic cowboy is gone". I don't even know what to say about this anymore.
POV - Country theme.
Caleb's still talking about Beast mode cowboy. Ok... sit down "Beast".
They have to gallop on horses then balance gold bars. Whatever.
Winner - Hayden. He's pumped.
Detonators ask Hayden what he's going to do. He says he's going to use the POV on Victoria to gain an ally, and he's loving the "backdoor Amber" plan. Next, they want to "sell" the plan to Caleb. And now, because of the "showmance that never was" (as Zach put it) is over (?) it's now seriously awkward when they're in the same room. Zach decides to stir things up. Goes to Caleb and says that Amber came out and says she was using him. Caleb says he's going to "give her a big scare and get her back in line". Caleb is on board with nominating her. He goes and talks to Frankie... says he wants to nominate her. How sweet... he thinks it's his idea. He says that he runs the house. And he says "at the end of the day, I know who she's going to come to". Yikes.
Back to Team America.... they're plotting the nomination fall out. So, they want Zach to "go off" on Amber. Donny's excited for the entertainment and he tells America to "enjoy the show". How can you not love that guy.
On to POV ceremony. The nominees give their speeches. Ultimately, Hayden saves Victoria. Amber seems surprised.... but not as much as she is when Frankie nominates her. Although she's sure it was a plan all along. And Zach attack!! He says how happy he is she's nominated, and he talks about how wonderful Beast Mode Cowboy is to her. He keeps pushing... even asks her for a response, and she remains silent.
Sorry Team America. Fail.
Jocasta is feeling pretty safe after that speech.
Yay for eviction night tomorrow!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 15
So we start with lots of game talk. Zach is definitely targeting Amber. He doesn't want Amber coming after him. He talks to Caleb about it.. and of course, he wants to save her. He decides to test her loyalty. He runs and chats with her and of course tells her that Zach has heard that Amber is going after Zach. Amber wants to know who said it. I was surprised Caleb didn't tell her.
Zach and Frankie show their HOH. There are pictures of Frankie's Grampy. It's all fun and games for those few minutes, then back to game talk. Zach wants to nominate Christine and Amber, then Zach wants Christine to throw the Battle of the Block. Of course, she's not receptive. Zach is frustrated about it.
So, everyone's eating pickles, and Caleb hates pickles. Amber says, "If I said I would go on a date with you, would you eat it", and of course, he forces himself to eat it. He's gaging, but forces it down. Amber's disappointed. She didn't want to go on the date.
Caleb gets his boys to help set up a "romantic date". He says "This should be the best date I've ever had in my life". Met by awkward silence... but then they chat for a bit. Including a bit where he says "I think your parents would love me". Seems like he does the majority of the talking.
Cody calls Zach out on being on a power trip. Good call.
Zach decides to try to play Nicole a little bit. He tries to plant a seed of doubt in Nicole about Christine. Christine is mad.
Cody decides to make a final 2 deal with Derrick because although they have their large alliance, it ultimately comes down to 2. So Cody and Derrick decides to come up with an alliance name... because, you know... that's what you do in Big Brother. So they decide on "The Hitmen". Alliance names are always so dumb.
Next Team America mission - they present that they need to be puppet masters and have 2 houseguests have a heated argument during nominations for at least 20 seconds. This is a hard one. Immediately they start talking about Zach. Easy. Zach's already talking about his speech for the nomination ceremony, including saying Christine and Jen City would have their picture next to "floater". So Derrick and Frankie egg him on. Cody and Hayden tell him it's a horrible idea.
Amber heads to Zach to plead her case. Zach says he's not going to nominate her, but he is going to back door her (he says that in Diary, not to Amber... obviously).
Nomination time! Of course, Zach says he doesn't care what people think about his nominations. Frankie says he's nominating 2 weak players so they lose battle of the block. Frankie nominates Jacosta and Victoria. Zach nominates Christine and Nicole. Zach decides to make things dramatic and makes some mean comments towards Christine and Nicole. Nicole was laughing at the speech, which actually leads to tears. He actually called her a "fruit loop dingus". What the heck is that? Poor Nicole takes it personally. And Christine goes to Zach and says she's pissed about it, but more pissed about Zach trying to pit Nicole against her, and Zach flat out denies it.
Victoria is crying. Jacosta works hard to calm her down... considering she's on the block too.
A wedding related Battle of the Block? I bet Caleb is hoping this will set the mood for he and Amber. The pairs have to build a sturdy cake and climb up to the top and stand up there for 3 seconds. Nicole and Christine are doing an awesome job. Jacosta and Victoria are just kind of throwing things together. Zach is yelling at Christine and Nicole hoping they will fall. Both pairs are climbing up at about the same time, but Victoria and Jacosta fall... and Christine and Nicole win!
Can't wait to see who wins POV!!
Zach and Frankie show their HOH. There are pictures of Frankie's Grampy. It's all fun and games for those few minutes, then back to game talk. Zach wants to nominate Christine and Amber, then Zach wants Christine to throw the Battle of the Block. Of course, she's not receptive. Zach is frustrated about it.
So, everyone's eating pickles, and Caleb hates pickles. Amber says, "If I said I would go on a date with you, would you eat it", and of course, he forces himself to eat it. He's gaging, but forces it down. Amber's disappointed. She didn't want to go on the date.
Caleb gets his boys to help set up a "romantic date". He says "This should be the best date I've ever had in my life". Met by awkward silence... but then they chat for a bit. Including a bit where he says "I think your parents would love me". Seems like he does the majority of the talking.
Cody calls Zach out on being on a power trip. Good call.
Zach decides to try to play Nicole a little bit. He tries to plant a seed of doubt in Nicole about Christine. Christine is mad.
Cody decides to make a final 2 deal with Derrick because although they have their large alliance, it ultimately comes down to 2. So Cody and Derrick decides to come up with an alliance name... because, you know... that's what you do in Big Brother. So they decide on "The Hitmen". Alliance names are always so dumb.
Next Team America mission - they present that they need to be puppet masters and have 2 houseguests have a heated argument during nominations for at least 20 seconds. This is a hard one. Immediately they start talking about Zach. Easy. Zach's already talking about his speech for the nomination ceremony, including saying Christine and Jen City would have their picture next to "floater". So Derrick and Frankie egg him on. Cody and Hayden tell him it's a horrible idea.
Amber heads to Zach to plead her case. Zach says he's not going to nominate her, but he is going to back door her (he says that in Diary, not to Amber... obviously).
Nomination time! Of course, Zach says he doesn't care what people think about his nominations. Frankie says he's nominating 2 weak players so they lose battle of the block. Frankie nominates Jacosta and Victoria. Zach nominates Christine and Nicole. Zach decides to make things dramatic and makes some mean comments towards Christine and Nicole. Nicole was laughing at the speech, which actually leads to tears. He actually called her a "fruit loop dingus". What the heck is that? Poor Nicole takes it personally. And Christine goes to Zach and says she's pissed about it, but more pissed about Zach trying to pit Nicole against her, and Zach flat out denies it.
Victoria is crying. Jacosta works hard to calm her down... considering she's on the block too.
A wedding related Battle of the Block? I bet Caleb is hoping this will set the mood for he and Amber. The pairs have to build a sturdy cake and climb up to the top and stand up there for 3 seconds. Nicole and Christine are doing an awesome job. Jacosta and Victoria are just kind of throwing things together. Zach is yelling at Christine and Nicole hoping they will fall. Both pairs are climbing up at about the same time, but Victoria and Jacosta fall... and Christine and Nicole win!
Can't wait to see who wins POV!!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 14
We begin with Cody really agonizing over his choice to nominate Donny. Hahaha! Did I say "his" choice?? I meant Derrick and Frankie's choice.
Anway, Cody apologizes to Donny, who, of course, is sweet as pie during this conversation.
Brittany talks to Caleb about making a plea for her. And Caleb does just that. Here's the thing. Caleb did have a chance to save her, and he didn't... so, I'm not really sure he has a "vote" here.
We also had to watch as Frankie got news of his grandfather's death.... via letter. Anyone who's read up on Frankie and his family knows that he was very close to his grandfather. It was a difficult decision for his family to tell him as his grandfather didn't want him to come home because of this. This is one of those rare moments in the house where the whole house comes together... sits together... chats together... cries together. It's nice to see everyone be so ... human.
Have-nots - Based on physical activity level. I love it. So funny. Christine says she thinks Zach is a Have-Not, but interestingly enough..... Christine is a have not, as is Nicole, Caleb and Derrick.
We got to meet Nicole's friends and family. We found out her nickname is "Coconuts". Interesting. One of the town's kids say they think Hayden's funny because he always tries to "make sex with Nicole". Hilarious. And we see that Hayden finally got his kiss. Cute.
We get speeches from Brittany and Donny. Both are heartfelt and emotional. This is a tough vote.
So, the only person who seemed happy about this vote was Victoria who said she happily voted to evict her. MEOW.
Ouch. Ten votes to evict. I'm sure it hurts when you don't even get one vote to stay. Bye Brittany.
Julie congratulates Brittany on her 2400 kicks. Then we see the goodbye.... lots of nice messages. Donny says he will miss their ice cream dates. Then they bring out Brittany's kids.... and she hugs them and cries. Awww.
On to the HOH! A question game! Two houseguests faceoff, the person who buzzes in first and gets it right, picks the next two to face off. If they answer incorrectly, they themselves are eliminated. If neither guesses, they are both eliminated. Zach & Frankie come out on top as HOH.
Now, the next task for Team America - Play the role of puppet master... get two houseguests to have an argument at nominations or POV ceremony.
That's all the Big Brother (from me) until Sunday.
Anway, Cody apologizes to Donny, who, of course, is sweet as pie during this conversation.
Brittany talks to Caleb about making a plea for her. And Caleb does just that. Here's the thing. Caleb did have a chance to save her, and he didn't... so, I'm not really sure he has a "vote" here.
We also had to watch as Frankie got news of his grandfather's death.... via letter. Anyone who's read up on Frankie and his family knows that he was very close to his grandfather. It was a difficult decision for his family to tell him as his grandfather didn't want him to come home because of this. This is one of those rare moments in the house where the whole house comes together... sits together... chats together... cries together. It's nice to see everyone be so ... human.
Have-nots - Based on physical activity level. I love it. So funny. Christine says she thinks Zach is a Have-Not, but interestingly enough..... Christine is a have not, as is Nicole, Caleb and Derrick.
We got to meet Nicole's friends and family. We found out her nickname is "Coconuts". Interesting. One of the town's kids say they think Hayden's funny because he always tries to "make sex with Nicole". Hilarious. And we see that Hayden finally got his kiss. Cute.
We get speeches from Brittany and Donny. Both are heartfelt and emotional. This is a tough vote.
So, the only person who seemed happy about this vote was Victoria who said she happily voted to evict her. MEOW.
Ouch. Ten votes to evict. I'm sure it hurts when you don't even get one vote to stay. Bye Brittany.
Julie congratulates Brittany on her 2400 kicks. Then we see the goodbye.... lots of nice messages. Donny says he will miss their ice cream dates. Then they bring out Brittany's kids.... and she hugs them and cries. Awww.
On to the HOH! A question game! Two houseguests faceoff, the person who buzzes in first and gets it right, picks the next two to face off. If they answer incorrectly, they themselves are eliminated. If neither guesses, they are both eliminated. Zach & Frankie come out on top as HOH.
Now, the next task for Team America - Play the role of puppet master... get two houseguests to have an argument at nominations or POV ceremony.
That's all the Big Brother (from me) until Sunday.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Episode 13 - Recap
We begin with a little montage devoted to the Amber/Caleb ... whatever this is... fatal attraction? Am I the only one tired of this storyline? This guy just isn't getting that she's not in to him, and I don't think he'll ever get it. He rants to Brittany about how Amber never even thanked him for going on the block. Yeah, and yet, you still pursue her.
Time for the POV - Who knew that Victoria was good at anything? I didn't because these last two episodes are seriously the most airtime she has seen. Cody - 10 kicks in the butt everytime the bell rings. Zach - Trip to Germany. Britanny - 2400 goals in the next 24 hours, and if it's not completed, you can't participate in the next POV. Nicole - Germitard (Unitard). Caleb - $5000 and Victoria wins Power of Veto. I know... I can't believe it. And neither can anyone else... there were a series of "what was Caleb thinking" statements.
Cody's raging about Caleb's choice. Contemplating putting Caleb up, which Frankie says is a horrible idea because it would be losing a member of their alliance.
We get to see everyone's punishments. And I have to say, Brittany's is definitely the worst. It's pretty physical.
Side note - Zach... STOP YELLING IN THE DIARY ROOM!!! I have to turn down the tv everytime he's on the screen.
Donny chats with Zach and Hayden about how it would be a good week for Caleb to go home. Donny's game talk never ends well.
More of Brittany's challenge. The houseguests are chearing Brittany on in the end.... and when she does her final kick in the end... everyone rushes her like she won the World Cup. It was pretty cool.
So now the decision about who the replacement nominee will be. The two names floating are Caleb and Donny. This will be a tricky one. Donny and Cody chat... Cody tells him he's not going on the block. He goes out and tells a group of houseguests he's putting Caleb up... Frankie freaks out and goes and tells Derrick. Derrick goes to talk some "sense" in to Cody. And it looks like he succeeded. Despite Cody telling him he was safe, Cody nominates Donny anyway. Way to burn bridges, Cody.
It should be interesting to see what happens tomorrow.
*Sorry to anyone who read my confusing first version when I interchangeably used the names Colby and Caleb. Being over tired is not a good thing when it comes to editing.. Haha.
*Sorry to anyone who read my confusing first version when I interchangeably used the names Colby and Caleb. Being over tired is not a good thing when it comes to editing.. Haha.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 12 - "Let's All Pick on Victoria"
This episode opens where we left off on Thursday... with the HOH challenge. This challenge involves reaching your fingers through some chicken wire fencing, to move eggs along to your partner who takes the egg the rest of the way. They had to get a certain amount of eggs over to the other side (I don't remember how many... sorry). Brittany was initially doing really well in this challenge, but the real story here appeared to be Victoria who couldn't stop dropping the eggs. Let's face it, we all don't know very much about Victoria because she's done very little this season. This is really our first look at Victoria... so now we all know, she has slippery fingers. So, in other words, she's still boring.
After the challenge, Brittany and Donny curl up with some ice cream and have some game talk. This is why I love this game. Two people that might not ever have a reason to chat in the "real world" just chatting over ice cream.
So, it's decided that since the "Bomb Squad" is over, there is a need for 5 of the remaining Bomb Squad members to have their own alliance name. This alliance would consist of Cody, Christine, Frankie, Zach and Derrick. Zach makes a variety of horrible alliance name suggestions, mostly met by silence... but when Derrick suggests "The Detonators" they all yell and scream like they won the alliance name lottery.
Later we see Cody and Amber having a chat in one of the HOH rooms, with Caleb in the other HOH room. Amber closes the door on the room she and Cody are in, which upsets Caleb. Cody says he feels bad, but Amber doesn't understand why because he's her "best guy friend in the house". Um, Amber? That's always code for "I think you're super hot". Meanwhile, Cody tells Frankie he's "so over her". Funny... somehow I don't think so.
Nominations roll around. Cody nominates Victoria and Brittany, Frankie nominates Amber and Jacosta. Brittany fumes that she is considered on the same level as Victoria. Victoria doesn't understand why she was nominated because she's done nothing in this game. Way to broadcast being a floater. That's not exactly something to brag about.
Then we have one of the most ridiculous scenes I've seen this season. Because there are no Have Nots this week, there is an issue with bed sharing. No one wants to share a bed with Victoria because she's high maintenance.
On to the Battle of the Block, where Caleb comments that he bets Amber wishes he would save her, but that he's not doing that again. Caleb, she's a strong competitor, I'm pretty sure she can handle herself. This challenge is a sort of chess game. In the end, Amber and Jacosta win, so they come off the block.
Can't wait to see who wins POV on the next episode!
After the challenge, Brittany and Donny curl up with some ice cream and have some game talk. This is why I love this game. Two people that might not ever have a reason to chat in the "real world" just chatting over ice cream.
So, it's decided that since the "Bomb Squad" is over, there is a need for 5 of the remaining Bomb Squad members to have their own alliance name. This alliance would consist of Cody, Christine, Frankie, Zach and Derrick. Zach makes a variety of horrible alliance name suggestions, mostly met by silence... but when Derrick suggests "The Detonators" they all yell and scream like they won the alliance name lottery.
Later we see Cody and Amber having a chat in one of the HOH rooms, with Caleb in the other HOH room. Amber closes the door on the room she and Cody are in, which upsets Caleb. Cody says he feels bad, but Amber doesn't understand why because he's her "best guy friend in the house". Um, Amber? That's always code for "I think you're super hot". Meanwhile, Cody tells Frankie he's "so over her". Funny... somehow I don't think so.
Nominations roll around. Cody nominates Victoria and Brittany, Frankie nominates Amber and Jacosta. Brittany fumes that she is considered on the same level as Victoria. Victoria doesn't understand why she was nominated because she's done nothing in this game. Way to broadcast being a floater. That's not exactly something to brag about.
Then we have one of the most ridiculous scenes I've seen this season. Because there are no Have Nots this week, there is an issue with bed sharing. No one wants to share a bed with Victoria because she's high maintenance.
On to the Battle of the Block, where Caleb comments that he bets Amber wishes he would save her, but that he's not doing that again. Caleb, she's a strong competitor, I'm pretty sure she can handle herself. This challenge is a sort of chess game. In the end, Amber and Jacosta win, so they come off the block.
Can't wait to see who wins POV on the next episode!
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 11
So we knew there was going to be some more talk of the Amber/Caleb/Cody love triangle, and sure enough, this episode we see some more. Particularly when Amber and Cody are talking, he strokes her leg, and she says "I've been waiting for you to do that"... ummm.... was Victoria in the bed with Cody? Maybe I'm mistaken, but if that was her... Awkward!
Cody's annoyed by "the kid" (aka Caleb) always following Amber around. He voices his discomfort with other houseguests. Derrick does say that he is concerned about Caleb's dedication to Amber.
We get to see that Hayden's making some progress in his relationship with Nicole..... cuddling.. but no kissing.
I think the funniest part of this episode is when Victoria comes outside looking very glamourous in her bathing suit, and the guys throw some "cat calls" her way. Hayden yells out 'yo baby, what's your name?", and in the diary room, he says "no seriously, what's your name?" Truer words never spoken. I know nothing about this girl.
When it comes down to the vote... no surprise... but Devin is evicted. And, as always, Donny has the sweetest message.
On to POV. They have to play in pairs, and the winning pair will be the two HOH's. Pairs are:
Christine & Victoria
Caleb & Nicole
Donny & Hayden
Jacosta & Brittany
Zach & Amber
Cody & Frankie
Pairs have to maneuver their eggs through the course to the other side. First team to get 12 eggs over, wins.
Victoria and Christine appear to be doing the worst in the beginning. Frankie and Cody and Amber and Zach are pretty close, then it appears they may have dropped it... it was hard to tell because it cut out a bit.
Team America's next challenge has been chosen. America wants them to get a physical threat nominated... should be interesting.
Meanwhile... this challenge is "too be continued". Can't wait to see who the winners are!!
Cody's annoyed by "the kid" (aka Caleb) always following Amber around. He voices his discomfort with other houseguests. Derrick does say that he is concerned about Caleb's dedication to Amber.
We get to see that Hayden's making some progress in his relationship with Nicole..... cuddling.. but no kissing.
I think the funniest part of this episode is when Victoria comes outside looking very glamourous in her bathing suit, and the guys throw some "cat calls" her way. Hayden yells out 'yo baby, what's your name?", and in the diary room, he says "no seriously, what's your name?" Truer words never spoken. I know nothing about this girl.
When it comes down to the vote... no surprise... but Devin is evicted. And, as always, Donny has the sweetest message.
On to POV. They have to play in pairs, and the winning pair will be the two HOH's. Pairs are:
Christine & Victoria
Caleb & Nicole
Donny & Hayden
Jacosta & Brittany
Zach & Amber
Cody & Frankie
Pairs have to maneuver their eggs through the course to the other side. First team to get 12 eggs over, wins.
Victoria and Christine appear to be doing the worst in the beginning. Frankie and Cody and Amber and Zach are pretty close, then it appears they may have dropped it... it was hard to tell because it cut out a bit.
Team America's next challenge has been chosen. America wants them to get a physical threat nominated... should be interesting.
Meanwhile... this challenge is "too be continued". Can't wait to see who the winners are!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 10
Ok - confession time, I missed the first 10 minutes of the episode... for whatever reason, I thought it was on an hour later (aka... Thursday night schedule). I'm an idiot. Anyway, with that out of the way... here we go with what I saw.
Team America starts on their challenge - spreading the rumour that Zach is Amanda's (Season 15) cousin. Donny tells Nicole (who is dressed as a frog - this must be her punishment for losing Battle of the Block - ?) Anyway, Nicole tells Christine... they think it makes sense. Next, brilliantly, they decide to tell Caleb "because we all know Caleb will tell Amber", which he does. Then, even more brilliantly, they tell Zach.. who tells everyone the rumour is true. Hilarious.
POV - Jacosta is sick (dehydration) and can't participate in the challenge, so it's left to Derrick and Caleb to draw names for the Veto. Derrick draws Christine, Caleb draws.... Devin (boo). Then Derrick draws on Jacosta's behalf... Donny. Derrick pulls Donny aside to see what Donny will do if he wins. Derrick says to Donny that Devin is his topic, but Donny maintains he was in the dark about everything this week. Donny says in a diary room session that he's not ready to reveal his cards yet.
Team America's next challenge is being voted on by America. They can choose to have the Team get a floater nominated or their biggest physical threat. This should be interesting....
On to the POV competition... or should I say "prep for the competition"... the boys put on their "beast make-up" and Devin stretches and kicks. Whatever.
Cody comes out in a suit to host the competition. Frankie says how sexy he looks... Cody blushes... yup, that's pretty cute.
In this challenge, you battle head to head in a huge dice. When a number is spun, the players have to roll their dice (with them inside it) around and back to their spot with the correct number on the top. (and you have to do it the fastest.) Then you choose who you want to battle against. Tough challenge... both physical and mental. Devin wins the first round. Derrick challenges Devin. Devin comes out fast and furious. Derrick takes his time. Zach can't understand what is taking so long. And in the end, Devin wins. Donny is up next... he challenges Devin. Devin is going fast and furious, but Donny wins.... the house erupts in celebration. Donny does a little cute dance. And I do feel a tiny bit sad for Devin. I don't really like him, but I hate when the whole house gangs up on one person... and to celebrate his defeat like that. Sad.
Next up, Caleb and Donny. Donny said he wants to take out "both big boys". And he does!!! Amber gives Caleb a kiss but immediately says "ew sweaty" and breaks away and wipes herself off.
Donny goes in to tell sick Jacosta that he's saving her. She cries, Frankie cries, Amber cries.... it's a weepy moment. Then Cody comes in to do a strip tease for Jacosta to make her feel better... I think that made everyone feel better.
Then we see Devin cries by himself. Again... I haven't really liked him to this point... but I feel bad at how much the house celebrated about his defeat. I don't like seeing people singled out like that.
Jacosta is saved... Devin is put on the block.
Devin says he would not be surprised if he's still there on Thursday.
Jacosta cries and says she's so used to giving, and now she gets to receive (her safety).
Now we wait until tomorrow for eviction ... anything can happen!
Team America starts on their challenge - spreading the rumour that Zach is Amanda's (Season 15) cousin. Donny tells Nicole (who is dressed as a frog - this must be her punishment for losing Battle of the Block - ?) Anyway, Nicole tells Christine... they think it makes sense. Next, brilliantly, they decide to tell Caleb "because we all know Caleb will tell Amber", which he does. Then, even more brilliantly, they tell Zach.. who tells everyone the rumour is true. Hilarious.
POV - Jacosta is sick (dehydration) and can't participate in the challenge, so it's left to Derrick and Caleb to draw names for the Veto. Derrick draws Christine, Caleb draws.... Devin (boo). Then Derrick draws on Jacosta's behalf... Donny. Derrick pulls Donny aside to see what Donny will do if he wins. Derrick says to Donny that Devin is his topic, but Donny maintains he was in the dark about everything this week. Donny says in a diary room session that he's not ready to reveal his cards yet.
Team America's next challenge is being voted on by America. They can choose to have the Team get a floater nominated or their biggest physical threat. This should be interesting....
On to the POV competition... or should I say "prep for the competition"... the boys put on their "beast make-up" and Devin stretches and kicks. Whatever.
Cody comes out in a suit to host the competition. Frankie says how sexy he looks... Cody blushes... yup, that's pretty cute.
In this challenge, you battle head to head in a huge dice. When a number is spun, the players have to roll their dice (with them inside it) around and back to their spot with the correct number on the top. (and you have to do it the fastest.) Then you choose who you want to battle against. Tough challenge... both physical and mental. Devin wins the first round. Derrick challenges Devin. Devin comes out fast and furious. Derrick takes his time. Zach can't understand what is taking so long. And in the end, Devin wins. Donny is up next... he challenges Devin. Devin is going fast and furious, but Donny wins.... the house erupts in celebration. Donny does a little cute dance. And I do feel a tiny bit sad for Devin. I don't really like him, but I hate when the whole house gangs up on one person... and to celebrate his defeat like that. Sad.
Next up, Caleb and Donny. Donny said he wants to take out "both big boys". And he does!!! Amber gives Caleb a kiss but immediately says "ew sweaty" and breaks away and wipes herself off.
Donny goes in to tell sick Jacosta that he's saving her. She cries, Frankie cries, Amber cries.... it's a weepy moment. Then Cody comes in to do a strip tease for Jacosta to make her feel better... I think that made everyone feel better.
Then we see Devin cries by himself. Again... I haven't really liked him to this point... but I feel bad at how much the house celebrated about his defeat. I don't like seeing people singled out like that.
Jacosta is saved... Devin is put on the block.
Devin says he would not be surprised if he's still there on Thursday.
Jacosta cries and says she's so used to giving, and now she gets to receive (her safety).
Now we wait until tomorrow for eviction ... anything can happen!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
What's Your Motivation?
We've all been there ... struggling to stay motivated to stay active. I can be really good for a while, working out most days of the week, doing activities I love (Zumba, running), but then I get hit with a cold (or one time... shin splints... ouch)... and when that happens, no matter how good I was feeling before, or how much I was enjoying those activities. I struggle to get going again.
I'm also a huge junk eater. I overeat when it comes to carbs - breads, pastas... I love it all. And I love me some chocolate.... and caramel... and vanilla... and... well, you get the point.
I used to set "target weight" goals for myself... but in the end, what's in a number? I'm not going to lie, I will probably always have some number in my head, but most of all, I want to get to a point with my health that I just feel good.
I'm currently sitting in a slump. I have a gym membership, and haven't been there in over a month (eep!). I went away on a work trip, and I rode a bike or ran every day. When I got home, I slipped back in to old habits.
Why am I writing all this? For a few reasons: 1 - I know I'm not the only one that struggles with this; 2 - I want to push myself to "get back in to it" and I'm hoping a public post will help me do that, and 3 - whenever I have finally gotten myself in to gear and gotten back in to my fitness routines, I've felt better - not so out of breath going up stairs, I feel rested and more alert, I sleep better.... it's such a win-win!
I decided to write down my biggest reasons for not being active, and my biggest reasons FOR being active. When I looked over my list... some big themes popped out at me. My biggest struggle is time. I work full-time, my husband runs his own business and I work part-time as his book keeper, I'm a part time Zumba instructor, my daughter has a busy activity schedule and I go to school part-time. My biggest reason for wanting to be healthy? My family. We have a long history of health problems in my immediate and extended family. I want to be healthy to reduce my own risk, and be a healthier me for my physical and mental well being... and so I can be a better, more energetic me for my family.
I had a look at my list of commitments, and had to make some tough decisions about what was right for me. Unfortunately, that meant giving up my part-time Zumba gig. This may seem counter-intuitive (giving up physical activity for the sake of physical activity, however, it frees up some time in my schedule that allows me to be a little more flexible.
I'm joining a new gym this fall, and have identified a "workout buddy", to help keep me accountable. This gym is not only closer to my house, but it's open early in the morning to late in the evening, which allows for some flexibility for workout times (so I can work around my job's unpredictable schedule".
I've also committed publicly to running a 5 km race this fall.
So this post is getting to be a little TMI right? I share all of this, because I hope that the "method to my madness" that I have just shared, offers people some ideas/tips on taking first steps to "getting back in to it". I highly recommend looking at what your own barriers are, and what your motivations are.
Want to share your own tips/challenges? Be sure to comment below!
I'm also a huge junk eater. I overeat when it comes to carbs - breads, pastas... I love it all. And I love me some chocolate.... and caramel... and vanilla... and... well, you get the point.
I used to set "target weight" goals for myself... but in the end, what's in a number? I'm not going to lie, I will probably always have some number in my head, but most of all, I want to get to a point with my health that I just feel good.
I'm currently sitting in a slump. I have a gym membership, and haven't been there in over a month (eep!). I went away on a work trip, and I rode a bike or ran every day. When I got home, I slipped back in to old habits.
Why am I writing all this? For a few reasons: 1 - I know I'm not the only one that struggles with this; 2 - I want to push myself to "get back in to it" and I'm hoping a public post will help me do that, and 3 - whenever I have finally gotten myself in to gear and gotten back in to my fitness routines, I've felt better - not so out of breath going up stairs, I feel rested and more alert, I sleep better.... it's such a win-win!
I decided to write down my biggest reasons for not being active, and my biggest reasons FOR being active. When I looked over my list... some big themes popped out at me. My biggest struggle is time. I work full-time, my husband runs his own business and I work part-time as his book keeper, I'm a part time Zumba instructor, my daughter has a busy activity schedule and I go to school part-time. My biggest reason for wanting to be healthy? My family. We have a long history of health problems in my immediate and extended family. I want to be healthy to reduce my own risk, and be a healthier me for my physical and mental well being... and so I can be a better, more energetic me for my family.
I had a look at my list of commitments, and had to make some tough decisions about what was right for me. Unfortunately, that meant giving up my part-time Zumba gig. This may seem counter-intuitive (giving up physical activity for the sake of physical activity, however, it frees up some time in my schedule that allows me to be a little more flexible.
I'm joining a new gym this fall, and have identified a "workout buddy", to help keep me accountable. This gym is not only closer to my house, but it's open early in the morning to late in the evening, which allows for some flexibility for workout times (so I can work around my job's unpredictable schedule".
I've also committed publicly to running a 5 km race this fall.
So this post is getting to be a little TMI right? I share all of this, because I hope that the "method to my madness" that I have just shared, offers people some ideas/tips on taking first steps to "getting back in to it". I highly recommend looking at what your own barriers are, and what your motivations are.
Want to share your own tips/challenges? Be sure to comment below!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 9
As the episode begins with a recap of the previous episode, we find out that Devin tried to do "damage control" and run around and tell everyone about the "Bomb Squad". This leads me to think... he was so angry anytime he thought anyone betrayed the alliance... yet he was the biggest detriment to that alliance from the beginning.
No surprise, when Derrick and Nicole chat about nominations... Derrick wants to nominate people other than Devin, so they can backdoor him. Nicole is going to nominate Amber... so Derrick mentions it to Caleb, knowing that Caleb will risk himself for Amber. Caleb gives a little diary room talk that basically says as much... he thinks Amber will see him as a stud. He is going to throw the competition so Amber is saved. He tells Amber his plan. I'm not sure she thinks he's a stud thought.
Nicole is struggling with her final nominee, and Donnie tells her to nominate Christine after she fills him in on the nomination plan. Despite that she tells him to keep the plan quiet. He goes and tells Jacosta and Brittany and Amber overhears it. She runs and tells Nicole, who is now convinced she can't trust Donny.
Nicole seems pretty shaken that everyone is so mad. Most of all, she's regretting her decision to nominate him. Hayden tries his best to make her feel better.
Devin comes to "make amends" with Derrick... Zach and Frankie promptly got up and left the room. I don't blame them. I hate being around for awkward conversations. Derrick sees through Devin's speech about respecting his game move.
#TeamAmerica's first task is to spread a rumour that someone in the house is related to a past houseguest. Donny seems confused about this task. Frankie on the other hand says he's "really good at spreading rumours". They decide on telling the lie that Pao told Frankie in confidence that she believes Zach is related to Ammanda... "because they're both loud" and they're both from South Florida.
Nicole is still broken up about nominating Donny. She cries... and asks for his forgiveness. And he cries because she is crying. Can this guy any more likable? Then he makes her doubt whether she told him not to tell anybody.
The Battle of the Block competition is "Abraca - Bob- bra". A Harry Potter type competition. It's a puzzle competition. Amber says she hates puzzles... and Donny loves it. Caleb's trying hard not to win. But, in Nicole's words "he's doing well making it look close". Amber and Donny win, and Amber says "get over here so I can kiss you". I'm sure Caleb was hoping he would get that kiss.
Because Nicole is no longer HOH, she "disappears" and Hayden shows his devastation at the site of her disappearance. And we close with Zach saying "yo, did she really disappear?".
We'll find out where she went on Wednesday. :)
Friday, July 11, 2014
My #FF Blogs
Have you heard of #FF? If you aren't on Twitter, that probably looks like gibberish, or that I was swearing.... but no.... #FF is a hashtag that stands for "Follow Friday" where people recommend different Twitter accounts to follow. I decided to do a "Blog Follow Friday" post and talk about a few of my favourite blogs.
1 - Illustrated with Crappy Pictures - If you haven't seen this blog, you need to read it! Amber Dusick is the author (and illustrator) of this blog. She shares her hilarious stories about life - her kids, her husband and her cats. All illustrated with hilarious pictures. Check it out, I'm sure you'll love it:
2 - I'm Bringing Blogging Back - If you like entertainment blogs ... you might like this... if you like trashy television and someone recapping ridiculous shows like Catfish, Real Housewives or The Hills (ok, maybe not now, but you can go back and read the old recaps for a laugh). Patrick Varone is the author of this blog, and he is hilarious. Sometimes crude, sometimes rude, all the time funny. I love this blog... his Bachelor recaps got me through the last horrible season with Juan Pablo.... because, let's face it, that guy was terrible. Check it out:
3 - Mommy Outside the Box - This blog has it all for mommies. Fun kids activities, recipes, "Wordless Wednesday" photo posts... and, a new favourite thing of mine, a Twitter party calendar. What's a Twitter party you ask? If you had of asked me 3 months ago, I couldn't have told you, but since then, I've participated in several parties, and they are fun. It's like what a chatroom used to be like back in the early 90's (for those of you that remember those)... fast moving, lots of people chatting... but with some improvements... the chats are centered around one topic... and there are PRIZES!! I highly recommend participating in a party! Check out the Mommy Outside the Box blog:
So those are a few "Follow Friday" blogs for you. I'll try to share more each Friday, but for now... happy reading!!
1 - Illustrated with Crappy Pictures - If you haven't seen this blog, you need to read it! Amber Dusick is the author (and illustrator) of this blog. She shares her hilarious stories about life - her kids, her husband and her cats. All illustrated with hilarious pictures. Check it out, I'm sure you'll love it:
2 - I'm Bringing Blogging Back - If you like entertainment blogs ... you might like this... if you like trashy television and someone recapping ridiculous shows like Catfish, Real Housewives or The Hills (ok, maybe not now, but you can go back and read the old recaps for a laugh). Patrick Varone is the author of this blog, and he is hilarious. Sometimes crude, sometimes rude, all the time funny. I love this blog... his Bachelor recaps got me through the last horrible season with Juan Pablo.... because, let's face it, that guy was terrible. Check it out:
3 - Mommy Outside the Box - This blog has it all for mommies. Fun kids activities, recipes, "Wordless Wednesday" photo posts... and, a new favourite thing of mine, a Twitter party calendar. What's a Twitter party you ask? If you had of asked me 3 months ago, I couldn't have told you, but since then, I've participated in several parties, and they are fun. It's like what a chatroom used to be like back in the early 90's (for those of you that remember those)... fast moving, lots of people chatting... but with some improvements... the chats are centered around one topic... and there are PRIZES!! I highly recommend participating in a party! Check out the Mommy Outside the Box blog:
So those are a few "Follow Friday" blogs for you. I'll try to share more each Friday, but for now... happy reading!!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 8
We open with the fallout from the POV.... Brittany calls Paola out for throwing the competition. Paola gets defensive and said she didn't throw the competition. Devin confirms he asked her to, and confirms that, but says she didn't do it. She calls Devin a liar. Then Zach gets up and gives a big speech about how much he doesn't like Devin.
Frankie feels betrayed by Zach for "putting him on blast" when Zach said "he wasn't sure how Frankie would vote". Um... what's so bad about that? Anyway, Frankie's very dramatic about it... I'm just going to leave it at that.
Paola and Zach have a ridiculous argument over whether they deserve to be in the house, who's a liar... basically it was stupid.
Meanwhile, Devin decides to add a new member to the alliance without bringing the whole alliance together to talk about it first (ahem... dictatorship). They bring Hayden in, and Devin tells him about the Bomb Squad and asks him if he wants to be a part of it. What else are you going to do in that situation but say yes?! Can you imagine the reaction if Hayden had said no?
As it starts to become aparent that Zach is going to stay, Frankie, for whatever reason, decides it would be a good idea to fill Devin in on this. I still don't understand why. I mean, Devin is nuts... giving him information like that is like throwing a can of gasoline on a fire. Immediately, Devin denounces the Bomb Squad (might I point out, this is the second time this game he's done that), and tells Frankie he's picking everyone off one by one. So there's your reward Frankie.
After two lengthy nominee speeches, the houseguests vote, and "Pao Pao" is voted out. Thank goodness. I don't think I could take another week of that girl. Although, I will say, I did enjoy her friendship with Donny... and his "goodbye" message to her was absolutely sweet. When Paola leaves the house, Julie asks her about whether she threw the competition. Paola sort of sputters over her answer and says she's not sure if she threw it or not. Huh? Were you drunk? Why wouldn't you know?
On to HOH, it's a sort of croket type challenge. And the winners are..... Derrick and Nicole. I'm kind of happy about both of those options!!
Julie tells us that the houseguests are now wearing "activity trackers" so you can log in to see how active or lazy your favourite houseguest is. I barely do that for myself.. so I'm not sure I really care how active they are... BUT... Julie does say it will impact the game. Suspense!
Nominees and #TeamAmerica's first challenge come Sunday night!!!
(PS - anyone else happy this episode was a little less focused on Devin?)
Frankie feels betrayed by Zach for "putting him on blast" when Zach said "he wasn't sure how Frankie would vote". Um... what's so bad about that? Anyway, Frankie's very dramatic about it... I'm just going to leave it at that.
Paola and Zach have a ridiculous argument over whether they deserve to be in the house, who's a liar... basically it was stupid.
Meanwhile, Devin decides to add a new member to the alliance without bringing the whole alliance together to talk about it first (ahem... dictatorship). They bring Hayden in, and Devin tells him about the Bomb Squad and asks him if he wants to be a part of it. What else are you going to do in that situation but say yes?! Can you imagine the reaction if Hayden had said no?
As it starts to become aparent that Zach is going to stay, Frankie, for whatever reason, decides it would be a good idea to fill Devin in on this. I still don't understand why. I mean, Devin is nuts... giving him information like that is like throwing a can of gasoline on a fire. Immediately, Devin denounces the Bomb Squad (might I point out, this is the second time this game he's done that), and tells Frankie he's picking everyone off one by one. So there's your reward Frankie.
After two lengthy nominee speeches, the houseguests vote, and "Pao Pao" is voted out. Thank goodness. I don't think I could take another week of that girl. Although, I will say, I did enjoy her friendship with Donny... and his "goodbye" message to her was absolutely sweet. When Paola leaves the house, Julie asks her about whether she threw the competition. Paola sort of sputters over her answer and says she's not sure if she threw it or not. Huh? Were you drunk? Why wouldn't you know?
On to HOH, it's a sort of croket type challenge. And the winners are..... Derrick and Nicole. I'm kind of happy about both of those options!!
Julie tells us that the houseguests are now wearing "activity trackers" so you can log in to see how active or lazy your favourite houseguest is. I barely do that for myself.. so I'm not sure I really care how active they are... BUT... Julie does say it will impact the game. Suspense!
Nominees and #TeamAmerica's first challenge come Sunday night!!!
(PS - anyone else happy this episode was a little less focused on Devin?)
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 7
I began this episode assuming it was going to be a Devin centered episode... and I was right.
We pick up where the Battle of the Block left off, and the "Weirdo Alliance" of Hayden, Christine and Nicole celebrate coming off the block.
Devin takes Hayden aside and decides (for whatever reason... to build a sense of partnership or something) to tell him the Devin had Paola throw the competition. Hayden isn't convinced Paola threw it. Neither am I. Hayden goes back and tells Nicole about Paola "throwing the competition" and they discuss what will happen if that revelation comes out... Hayden suggests they deny being a part of it. Ok... good strategy. Then he suggests that he and Nicole "kiss it out". This guy is good for comic relief.
Zach chats with Cody, Christine and Derrick about working against Devin... thank goodness! That's the most sensible talk I've heard in a while.
Quick shot over to the hammock... and Caleb's love-sick puppy eyes looking at Amber... he's got it bad. He talks about wanting to "protect his queen". *Gag*
Caleb bring up with Devin that people are interested in voting out Paola. Devin's response is "that's stupid". Good argument, Devin. Were you on your high school debate team? He immediately gets on the defensive. Frankie is there through the argument... but stays uncomfortably silent. Caleb mentions that the girls, in particular Christine, are nervous to talk to him. Devin says they should go confront her. Yeah, because that would make someone less intimidated... to confront them.
Devin heads up to his room to pace around and talk to himself. He's nuts. Then he goes outside to declare the alliance is over. So, Devin says he's not a dictator, but he dictates when the alliance is over.
On a less crazy side... we find out at Derrick and Frankie are the last two members of #TeamAmerica. Their first task is to head outside to the weight bench and bring up "apple pie" and "bald eagles" in conversation as the code for who's in the bomb squad. Frankie and Derrick figure out quickly they are on "Team America".... then when Derrick sees Donnie's "big beautiful beard" he says he knew that was the third member. Frankie refers to it as "Brains, beard and beauty".
Following the confrontation between Devin and Caleb, Caleb decides its time to make up. No, Caleb, no!! He makes the mistake of saying that "people" were talking about targeting him, so Devin decides to call another "meeting". If you live in the Big Brother house, you know a meeting is never good. Devin opens by saying "this isn't a dictatorship". Ah yes, a typical statement of a dictator.
Zach decides to speak up and say that he thinks it's stupid to keep Paola... unfortunately, everyone else stays silent. This makes Devin think everyone's on his side, except Zach... so guess who the next target is....
My favourite part is when Devin says "people think I get upset over these things, I don't get upset". You don't? What were we just watching??
Everyone gets ready for POV and Devin says to Paola that he will take her off the block if he wins. The challenge involves balancing balls on a solar system type set up... but if you're off balance, it falls apart and you have to start over.
Paola is doing horrible... surprise, surprise. Zach is just about done and he accidently knocks a bunch off. Derrick and Devin are close... and everyone's rooting for Derrick... but unfortunately, Devin pulls it out in the end.
Brittany believes this sealed her fate, and Paola questions if Devin will keep his word.
Cut to the HOH room, and Zach tries to do some damage control, but Devin doesn't buy it, and kicks Zach out. Zach knows he's in for it. He tries to talk to Frankie - but Frankie tells him he was stupid for disagreeing with "the dictator".
Brittany decides to suck it up, and goes to Devin to talk... and she knows to use the "I have kids" card... because, as we all know..... Devin has a daughter. He's in to it. You can tell he's feeling it.
When he goes to the Veto meeting.... when they get a chance to do their speeches. Paola decides to take the time to do some model posing(?) and Brittany makes a heartfelt speech. Devin decides to "go against his alliance" and break his promise to Paola.... and removes Brittany from the block. He replaces her with Zach. *shocker* (not) They stop with Brittany saying "can I say something" and they leave us hanging by the announcer saying "all hell breaks loose post veto ceremony". Can't wait for tomorrow. :)
And by the way.... can someone put an end to the Devin show?
We pick up where the Battle of the Block left off, and the "Weirdo Alliance" of Hayden, Christine and Nicole celebrate coming off the block.
Devin takes Hayden aside and decides (for whatever reason... to build a sense of partnership or something) to tell him the Devin had Paola throw the competition. Hayden isn't convinced Paola threw it. Neither am I. Hayden goes back and tells Nicole about Paola "throwing the competition" and they discuss what will happen if that revelation comes out... Hayden suggests they deny being a part of it. Ok... good strategy. Then he suggests that he and Nicole "kiss it out". This guy is good for comic relief.
Zach chats with Cody, Christine and Derrick about working against Devin... thank goodness! That's the most sensible talk I've heard in a while.
Quick shot over to the hammock... and Caleb's love-sick puppy eyes looking at Amber... he's got it bad. He talks about wanting to "protect his queen". *Gag*
Caleb bring up with Devin that people are interested in voting out Paola. Devin's response is "that's stupid". Good argument, Devin. Were you on your high school debate team? He immediately gets on the defensive. Frankie is there through the argument... but stays uncomfortably silent. Caleb mentions that the girls, in particular Christine, are nervous to talk to him. Devin says they should go confront her. Yeah, because that would make someone less intimidated... to confront them.
Devin heads up to his room to pace around and talk to himself. He's nuts. Then he goes outside to declare the alliance is over. So, Devin says he's not a dictator, but he dictates when the alliance is over.
On a less crazy side... we find out at Derrick and Frankie are the last two members of #TeamAmerica. Their first task is to head outside to the weight bench and bring up "apple pie" and "bald eagles" in conversation as the code for who's in the bomb squad. Frankie and Derrick figure out quickly they are on "Team America".... then when Derrick sees Donnie's "big beautiful beard" he says he knew that was the third member. Frankie refers to it as "Brains, beard and beauty".
Following the confrontation between Devin and Caleb, Caleb decides its time to make up. No, Caleb, no!! He makes the mistake of saying that "people" were talking about targeting him, so Devin decides to call another "meeting". If you live in the Big Brother house, you know a meeting is never good. Devin opens by saying "this isn't a dictatorship". Ah yes, a typical statement of a dictator.
Zach decides to speak up and say that he thinks it's stupid to keep Paola... unfortunately, everyone else stays silent. This makes Devin think everyone's on his side, except Zach... so guess who the next target is....
My favourite part is when Devin says "people think I get upset over these things, I don't get upset". You don't? What were we just watching??
Everyone gets ready for POV and Devin says to Paola that he will take her off the block if he wins. The challenge involves balancing balls on a solar system type set up... but if you're off balance, it falls apart and you have to start over.
Paola is doing horrible... surprise, surprise. Zach is just about done and he accidently knocks a bunch off. Derrick and Devin are close... and everyone's rooting for Derrick... but unfortunately, Devin pulls it out in the end.
Brittany believes this sealed her fate, and Paola questions if Devin will keep his word.
Cut to the HOH room, and Zach tries to do some damage control, but Devin doesn't buy it, and kicks Zach out. Zach knows he's in for it. He tries to talk to Frankie - but Frankie tells him he was stupid for disagreeing with "the dictator".
Brittany decides to suck it up, and goes to Devin to talk... and she knows to use the "I have kids" card... because, as we all know..... Devin has a daughter. He's in to it. You can tell he's feeling it.
When he goes to the Veto meeting.... when they get a chance to do their speeches. Paola decides to take the time to do some model posing(?) and Brittany makes a heartfelt speech. Devin decides to "go against his alliance" and break his promise to Paola.... and removes Brittany from the block. He replaces her with Zach. *shocker* (not) They stop with Brittany saying "can I say something" and they leave us hanging by the announcer saying "all hell breaks loose post veto ceremony". Can't wait for tomorrow. :)
And by the way.... can someone put an end to the Devin show?
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 6 "All About Devin"
I call this episode "All About Devin" because it really is. There's a running joke among a lot of people that watch the live feeds about how often Devin finds an opportunity to mention he has a daughter. I dare you to count how many times he brings it up this episode.
So we started with the HOH's reading their letters....and of course, a picture of Devin's daughter. When Amber reads her letter, she cries...and so does Caleb. Seriously Caleb... she's just not that in to you.
Devin, for some weird reason, decides to come clean, with not only Donny, but the whole house, about how he was the mastermind of the plot to get Donny out last week. The problem with his plan? The HOH's last week claimed they nominated who they did because of when they fell during the competition. Brittany recognizes this right away and mentions it to Frankie. So the bomb squad has a "debrief" after Devin's house meeting and they find the nicest way possible to say " what the hell was that?" Devin takes offence to Brittany "misconstruing" what he said. Um, he said he was the reason Donny was targetted, what did she get wrong in that?
We got a glimpse of the Zach/Frankie "shownance". Zach says he's straight but thinks Frankie is awesome. They cuddle together and hang out a lot. I really don't like Zach much... but this is the one likeable thing I've seen from him.
We also find out that Danielle, Hayden and Christine have a mini alliance... not much more notable about that.
Nominees this week are Hayden, Danielle, Brittany and Paola. Devin asks Paola to throw the comp and also assures everyone safety but Brittany, who he says is his target.
On to the Battle of the Block. Was anyone else not totally convinced that Paola was intentionally throwing the competition? Houseguests had to look at a series of pictures and answer questions. If you got it wrong, there were punishments, like drinking weird concoctions or dunking your head in a toilet (both of which Hayden had to do). In the end, Danielle and Hayden win, taking themselves off the block.
Side note on this episode.... Devin was upset that people were not cleaning up after themselves. Devin drives me nuts, but I do hope he keeps the house from becoming the disgusting mess it was last year.
We'll find out who wins POV on Wednesday!
So we started with the HOH's reading their letters....and of course, a picture of Devin's daughter. When Amber reads her letter, she cries...and so does Caleb. Seriously Caleb... she's just not that in to you.
Devin, for some weird reason, decides to come clean, with not only Donny, but the whole house, about how he was the mastermind of the plot to get Donny out last week. The problem with his plan? The HOH's last week claimed they nominated who they did because of when they fell during the competition. Brittany recognizes this right away and mentions it to Frankie. So the bomb squad has a "debrief" after Devin's house meeting and they find the nicest way possible to say " what the hell was that?" Devin takes offence to Brittany "misconstruing" what he said. Um, he said he was the reason Donny was targetted, what did she get wrong in that?
We got a glimpse of the Zach/Frankie "shownance". Zach says he's straight but thinks Frankie is awesome. They cuddle together and hang out a lot. I really don't like Zach much... but this is the one likeable thing I've seen from him.
We also find out that Danielle, Hayden and Christine have a mini alliance... not much more notable about that.
Nominees this week are Hayden, Danielle, Brittany and Paola. Devin asks Paola to throw the comp and also assures everyone safety but Brittany, who he says is his target.
On to the Battle of the Block. Was anyone else not totally convinced that Paola was intentionally throwing the competition? Houseguests had to look at a series of pictures and answer questions. If you got it wrong, there were punishments, like drinking weird concoctions or dunking your head in a toilet (both of which Hayden had to do). In the end, Danielle and Hayden win, taking themselves off the block.
Side note on this episode.... Devin was upset that people were not cleaning up after themselves. Devin drives me nuts, but I do hope he keeps the house from becoming the disgusting mess it was last year.
We'll find out who wins POV on Wednesday!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 5
So, what was Joey doing in the background when Julie was
doing the opening intro? Kinda looked
like a combo of dancing and maybe rapping/singing.
Anyway, so a few back and forth shots of Joey and Paola
wondering if they’re going to be evicted or not. Devin has also decided it’s a good strategy
to pressure everyone in to voting unanimously.
This guy is an idiot. Please get
him out soon Houseguests.
Joey tries to plead to Zach to keep her. He tells her that Cody and Devin are running
the house and controlling the vote and there’s nothing he can do. Ugh, this guy… I can’t even….
SO Joey decides to switch to her “alter ego Alex” and
basically yell about keeping her in the house.
Weird strategy Joey/Alex. Pretty
much everyone thinks she’s crazy but “makes a good point”. Paola thinks that “Alex” coming around is
good for her chances of staying in the house.
I tend to agree. Boo.
Next we get a montage of Caleb talking about how much he
likes Amber. *yawn* I love that Frankie refers to it as an 8th
grade crush. “Do you want me to pass her
a note later?” haha
Caleb decides to talk to Amber about his feelings… and he
says that he notices her looking at him a lot.
Then it gets a whole lot of awkward.
She obviously is not in to him.
So they awkwardly sit for a minute and she leaves him to wonder if he “pushed
her away”.
So we get to see the houseguests listen two Joey and Paola
give their “keep me please speeches”.
Joey says that she’s physically and mentally stronger than Paola. Paola thanks Joey for saying she sucks but
she hopes that the houseguests keep her despite her suckiness (yes, I know that
isn’t a real word, but it works here).
Then the votes. As I
watch everyone voting… and Zach comes in to the room to vote, I’m brought back
to when a few former houseguests let their hair grow out of control, until it
looks weird in the “spiked” style ( ie – Dan, Dr. Will… that is the last time I
will compare Zach to either of those two).
He has not been in there very
long, what’s with his hair.
Unfortunately, Joey is unanimously evicted.
Why is Paola crying?
Joey says she is surprised by the unanimous vote.
Goodbye message – Caleb “drops the bomb” about the bomb
squad. She says he’s an idiot.
Next we have HOH.
This challenge is a “frat house” challenge. It’s organized with girls first, then
boys. They have to carry kegs across a
balance beam without falling while the houseguests that aren’t competing throw Frisbees
at them. I don’t know about anyone else,
but I found this challenge boring. Amber wins the first one. Controversy with the boys though… it looks
like Cody one, but there is a video review.
Before we find out the results, we learn that Donny is the
next member of Team America. Too bad his
teammate was just voted out.
Turns out, Cody “fouled” and is disqualified, making Devin
HOH. Seriously? That guy?
Ugh. This week is going to be
We’ll learn the nominees and results of the Battle of the
Block on Sunday. Or you can read the
spoilers like me. Haha!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Episode 4 - Recap
Once again... work gets in the way of my TV watching. (I kid, I kid) But seriously, I wasn't able to start watching until half way through again. Just in time to see Joey spill the beans about the girls alliance. ... to Devin. Ugh, seriously, that guy is the worst.
Players get picked for veto, then "Pow Pow" cries her eyes out over strong boys being picked for the competition. And if anything is going to help things, it's crying.
The competition is called "Miami Lice"... everyone's dressed all "Miami Vice" like. So cheezy, I love it. They guys all talk about how smart they are... as they all look exhausted. Donny is taking his time, moseying around...
Paola complains about how hard the competition is. Side note - is anyone else getting tired of the nickname "Pow Pow"... I feel like I want to rip my own hair out anytime someone says it.
On to the word reveals.... Zach says he won... just out of principle, I don't want him to win. But given the rest of the "bomb squad" non-words, he appears to be the brains of the group, and that's not saying much.
Donny wins with the word "splitters". Love him. Most of all, I hate Zach, so I'm glad Donny won over him.
So, Cody, decides to nominate Joey. But he's going to give her a lecture first. So stupid. She thinks that the lecture means she's safe. Oh Joey.
So there's a dramatic montage of Donny looking at everyone's pictures while he wears the POV. Good job with the suspense Big Brother, but I think we all knew he was going to use it on himself. And no surprise, Caleb nominates Joey.
If they don't send Paola home, I'm going to be super sad.
Anyone else find it ironic that Paola called Joey "big mouth"?
Let's see what happens tomorrow night!!
Players get picked for veto, then "Pow Pow" cries her eyes out over strong boys being picked for the competition. And if anything is going to help things, it's crying.
The competition is called "Miami Lice"... everyone's dressed all "Miami Vice" like. So cheezy, I love it. They guys all talk about how smart they are... as they all look exhausted. Donny is taking his time, moseying around...
Paola complains about how hard the competition is. Side note - is anyone else getting tired of the nickname "Pow Pow"... I feel like I want to rip my own hair out anytime someone says it.
On to the word reveals.... Zach says he won... just out of principle, I don't want him to win. But given the rest of the "bomb squad" non-words, he appears to be the brains of the group, and that's not saying much.
Donny wins with the word "splitters". Love him. Most of all, I hate Zach, so I'm glad Donny won over him.
So, Cody, decides to nominate Joey. But he's going to give her a lecture first. So stupid. She thinks that the lecture means she's safe. Oh Joey.
So there's a dramatic montage of Donny looking at everyone's pictures while he wears the POV. Good job with the suspense Big Brother, but I think we all knew he was going to use it on himself. And no surprise, Caleb nominates Joey.
If they don't send Paola home, I'm going to be super sad.
Anyone else find it ironic that Paola called Joey "big mouth"?
Let's see what happens tomorrow night!!
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