Sunday, September 30, 2012

My "Pinterest" experiment

So, I set out a challenge for myself in the last post.... start actually doing something with the 50 million things I had pinned on Pinterest.  So, here are my first few attempts.

First, my pin inspiration:

Thought the idea was cute, and my daughter is constantly making pictures for us.  So, instead of using the wall, I used a blank side of my fridge:

The sign at the top actually has my daughter's name on it, and I realize most of you readers know who I am, but for those who happen to stumble across, I like to keep some anonymity.... although I'm sure it's easy to figure out who I am... but, whatever....  Just humour me.

So I did this using clamp magnets.... nothing crazy, wasn't hard, but looks better than it did before.

Second Pinterest attempt - 'Peanut Butter Cheese Ball'.  This is the pin I saw:

Looks delicious, right?  So, I started to make it:

Here is the finished product:

It is delicious!!  And much bigger than I thought it was going to be when I started making it.

And finally, the easiest Pinterest thing I tried:

Yoghurt dots - here is the inspiration:

In progress:

And finished:

It's essentially just frozen yogurt, but it makes it like eating little candies.

So there you have it!  I said I would do it.  :)

Stay tuned for more ..... :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Ok, so I knew I hadn't written anything in a while... I was having a bit of writers block for a couple of reasons... 1 - Most of what I wanted to write about was really just me ranting and complaining about random things, and that gets boring for people to read.  2 - My life isn't that exciting.

So, I was on Pinterest this morning... a website I only go on about once a month, but when I do, I pin like crazy.  And that action this morning inspired me to write about it.  And I use the term "inspire" loosely because this will not be an inspiring post... at all.

I love Pinterest because I have discovered many really awesome things... a lot of funny things... and a lot of ridiculous things.  But as I was pinning this morning, I realized something.  I have pinned about 50,000 recipes and crafts, and I have not done any of them.  Actually, that's not true, I made two - a homemade microwave flavoured popcorn recipe, and a frozen banana thing (I don't know how to describe it... it was kind of like ice cream, but really all it is... is a frozen banana).  Anyway, that's beside the point.  Of all of these pins I have done... I really don't try any of it.  And actually, I don't even go back and look at what I pinned.  So I'm going to do a little experiment.  I'm going to try to do/make/read at least one of my "pins" a week.  I will post my progress.  Doesn't that sound thrilling?  I bet you will all be staying tuned for my thoughts and experiences.  Follow me on Pinterest!

Don't worry, I'll post about non-Pinterest related things too... so for all the Pinterest haters out there... don't stop reading my blog for that reason.  :)

Have a comment, suggestion or random complaint?  Comment below or tweet me!  Just for fun!  We can be awkward online "friends".  You know you want to.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Random Fact Tuesday...

So, there's a little tool associated with this blog (no... not me...I'm not talking about a person.. I mean an actual tool) that tracks where my readers come from, how many people are reading it, etc, etc.  So, not very exciting, right?  Maybe not for you (and if that's the case, this post might be pretty boring for you), but I look at that info every once in a while......mostly because I'm still amazed anyone wants to read my ramblings.

So, I logged on with the intent to post a little something about last night's episode of Bachelor Pad... then I looked at those stats... I see most of my readers are from Canada (woo hoo!  Yay fellow Canadians! And please don't mistake that for me saying "Yay Canadiens", because that is something I will never say... I'm a Flames fan... sorry, hope that doesn't change your opinion of me).  Anyway, the next highest amount of readers come from..... Russia!  Cool!  Do people generally like to read about peoples' random thoughts and complaints there?  (Just kidding, I don't generalize like that.... usually).

So welcome to my blog!  I considered getting some little welcome note from a random translation site to say "welcome to my blog" in Russian, but I was nervous that I would actually get a translation that said something like "Welcome to my pizza flavoured hockey puck" and then I would offend everyone and they would never read my blog again (ok, I know it wouldn't actually translate to that... but, you get what I'm saying).

I promise I won't post any more about uninteresting facts, please come back and read again.

Note - I actually can't promise I won't post uninteresting facts... because this Blog is based on that kind of content.  So hopefully you'll come back anyway.  :)

Have any comments/questions/suggestions for this blog?  Hit me up in the comments section (that's what the kids say these days right?  "Hit me up"?  I'm tryin to be cool here).  I may read your comments (I probably will) and I may take your advice (maybe... maybe not... you'll have to keep coming back to find out).

7 Tips for Summer Travel on a Budget

Winter is over (although, I know for some, it feels like it's still here).  We are now approaching summer.  We're on the "downw...