Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Ok, so I knew I hadn't written anything in a while... I was having a bit of writers block for a couple of reasons... 1 - Most of what I wanted to write about was really just me ranting and complaining about random things, and that gets boring for people to read.  2 - My life isn't that exciting.

So, I was on Pinterest this morning... a website I only go on about once a month, but when I do, I pin like crazy.  And that action this morning inspired me to write about it.  And I use the term "inspire" loosely because this will not be an inspiring post... at all.

I love Pinterest because I have discovered many really awesome things... a lot of funny things... and a lot of ridiculous things.  But as I was pinning this morning, I realized something.  I have pinned about 50,000 recipes and crafts, and I have not done any of them.  Actually, that's not true, I made two - a homemade microwave flavoured popcorn recipe, and a frozen banana thing (I don't know how to describe it... it was kind of like ice cream, but really all it is... is a frozen banana).  Anyway, that's beside the point.  Of all of these pins I have done... I really don't try any of it.  And actually, I don't even go back and look at what I pinned.  So I'm going to do a little experiment.  I'm going to try to do/make/read at least one of my "pins" a week.  I will post my progress.  Doesn't that sound thrilling?  I bet you will all be staying tuned for my thoughts and experiences.  Follow me on Pinterest!

Don't worry, I'll post about non-Pinterest related things too... so for all the Pinterest haters out there... don't stop reading my blog for that reason.  :)

Have a comment, suggestion or random complaint?  Comment below or tweet me!  Just for fun!  We can be awkward online "friends".  You know you want to.

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