I'll admit it, I torture my hair. I have for years. Bleach, perms, curling irons, straighteners, hair colouring, I've done it all. So, it comes as no surprise that my hair is brittle.
Over the years I've tried a number of treatments and products in order to help my hair feel healthier. I've used hot oil treatments, salon brand products and just about any store brand you can imagine. When I was approached by BzzAgent (a totally awesome product review site that you should check out at www.bzzagent.com) to review Pantene Pro-V Ultimate 10 products, I went in to it with an open mind.
What I received from BzzAgent was a bottle of Pantene Pro-V Ultimate 10 Shampoo, Pantene Pro-V Ultimate 10 Conditioner and Pantene Pro-V Ultimate 10 BB Crème.
I was excited to try these products out. So, the next morning I tried the shampoo and conditioner first. Both had a nice smell - not over powering, and the smell didn't linger, just a nice clean smell. And the conditioner was my favourite. You could feel it wrapping around your hair and it rinsed out so nicely leaving your hair free of tangles and feeling strong.
Once I was done washing my hair, I put the BB Crème in my hair before subjecting my hair to the blow dryer. I typically don't use styling products, aside from a little bit of mousse here and there, but this BB Crème was great. Just a small amount was all that was needed, I spread it through my hair and began to blow dry. When I was done my hair looked shiny. It wasn't greasy or sticky.
I have continued to use these products for 2 weeks and the difference in my hair is pretty visible. I went from dull looking brittle hair, to shiny strong hair.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Big Brother 16 - FINALE!
Well... this is it folks. The night we've been waiting for! The big finale! A reminder that the final 3 are Cody, Derrick... and Victoria. I think we can all predict how the night is going to end for her.
Let's pick up with the Jury sitting with Dr. Will to discuss who the best player is. And Caleb joins them as the most recent evictee. Side note - I refuse to call him Beast Mode. Refuse.
Anyway, we have some bitter people here. Particularly Jacosta, who says that Derrick "fake prayed" with her in the house. Wait... how do you "fake pray"? Whatever.
Frankie is his usually self, doing these dramatic gestures and non-hair flips (that's a term I just invented... it's when someone tosses their head like they're flipping long hair, but doesn't have long hair). A little note about a rumour I heard - I had read that there was a possibility that Frankie would co-host the next season of Big Brother with Julie, and would take over hosting duties the following year. Am I the only one who prays (real prayers, not fake ones) that this isn't true? I can't handle any more Frankie. I realize that there will come a day that Julie will leave the show... but please don't have Frankie in your place. I think I will have to give up Big Brother if that happens.
Back to the show - Part one of the HOH competition, we pick up where the last show left off... the final 3 balancing on hand gliders while being tilted almost parallel to the ground. They are faced with some pretty hard rain... and eventually, Victoria falls. Then Derrick steps down. Cody wins part 1. Part 2 of the competition is Derrick vs Victoria and they have to put all of the nomination pairs in order while climbing up a wall to put the Houseguests pictures in place. Derrick wins. Final part of the HOH, down to questions about jury members. It comes down to a tie breaking question... both answers are pretty close, but Cody wins. He chooses to evict Victoria, leaving The Hitman alliance as the final 2.
The Jury throws questions at the final two including a question for Cody about being Derrick's puppet and a question to Derrick about "using" his family to win. Harsh.
On to the voting..... but we don't get to find out the winner yet. They bring back former houseguests first. And Derrick announces to everyone that he is, in fact, a police officer who spent a couple years under cover. Many are shocked, except Frankie who dramatically exclaims "I knew it!"
Let's find out the winner.... by a vote of 7 to 2, Derrick wins - the only two votes he doesn't get are from Jacosta and Donny.
Fan favourite - I don't think there was any question - Donny.
What did you think of this season??? Exciting stuff? Or not so much?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - September 17
Another abbreviated recap.
So, now we get to find out what the house is like "post Frankie". And I have to say, I'm happy not to watch him anymore. Even watching him with Julie I found annoying. But I digress.
Time for nominations, and Derrick, clever as he is, was able to convince Caleb to nominate himself. Caleb does so assuming that the boys will stick together until the end, sending Victoria home this week. What Caleb doesn't know is that Derrick and Cody have had a deal this whole game.
On to the POV where the winner is.... Cody! This means Cody is safe, and so is Derrick. Cody also will be the only houseguest that will be voting this week. And he decides to vote out Caleb.
Caleb feels most betrayed by Derrick and tells Julie so.
Can you believe we're almost at the end?
So, now we get to find out what the house is like "post Frankie". And I have to say, I'm happy not to watch him anymore. Even watching him with Julie I found annoying. But I digress.
Time for nominations, and Derrick, clever as he is, was able to convince Caleb to nominate himself. Caleb does so assuming that the boys will stick together until the end, sending Victoria home this week. What Caleb doesn't know is that Derrick and Cody have had a deal this whole game.
On to the POV where the winner is.... Cody! This means Cody is safe, and so is Derrick. Cody also will be the only houseguest that will be voting this week. And he decides to vote out Caleb.
Caleb feels most betrayed by Derrick and tells Julie so.
Can you believe we're almost at the end?
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - September 16
Just an abbreviated recap tonight.
Well this episode was intense and fun!
Picking it up where we left off... Frankie is upset he was nominated. Surprise, surprise. So he wants to know why he was nominated, and Caleb spills that they were nervous he would save Victoria. Seriously. Come on Caleb.... why did you tell him that?
Anyway... to make a long story short.... Cody wins VETO, and despite Frankie's pleading, he isn't saved. On to the vote... and he's voted out.
Now next HOH - and the winner is.... Derrick!
Another one voted out tomorrow... and finale next week! Eek.... busy times!
Well this episode was intense and fun!
Picking it up where we left off... Frankie is upset he was nominated. Surprise, surprise. So he wants to know why he was nominated, and Caleb spills that they were nervous he would save Victoria. Seriously. Come on Caleb.... why did you tell him that?
Anyway... to make a long story short.... Cody wins VETO, and despite Frankie's pleading, he isn't saved. On to the vote... and he's voted out.
Now next HOH - and the winner is.... Derrick!
Another one voted out tomorrow... and finale next week! Eek.... busy times!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - September 14
Dear Football,
You are ruining my TV watching.
Overtired Mama
That "letter" was prompted by yet another delay of Big Brother because of football. I know.... first world problems.
On to the recap....
We pickup with the HOH we're replaying because of the Rewind. And the new winner is........ Caleb.
Lots of game talk about who should be nominated.
Then.....a luxury competition. The houseguests find out that the Jury members are coming to play for the luxury competition. The winner gets $5000. Then the houseguests are going to bet on the Jury members, and if their jury member wins they will also get $5000. So no one chooses Christine. Ouch. And Nicole absolutely KILLS in this competition. She knocks out most of the houseguests, then Hayden swings in and wins in the end. Which means, he wins and so does Victoria.
Part of this competition was that the houseguests had to look for small disks in the house, which results in the house being absolutely torn apart. The houseguests are devastated and grossed out. I'm all for anything that makes the houseguests clean. I mean, they're in there all day every day.... it just helps them out if they have something to do.
In the end.... the nominees.... Victoria (surprise surprise) and... FRANKIE! YAY! He's finally on the block! Let's wait and see how this turns out!!
You are ruining my TV watching.
Overtired Mama
That "letter" was prompted by yet another delay of Big Brother because of football. I know.... first world problems.
On to the recap....
We pickup with the HOH we're replaying because of the Rewind. And the new winner is........ Caleb.
Lots of game talk about who should be nominated.
Then.....a luxury competition. The houseguests find out that the Jury members are coming to play for the luxury competition. The winner gets $5000. Then the houseguests are going to bet on the Jury members, and if their jury member wins they will also get $5000. So no one chooses Christine. Ouch. And Nicole absolutely KILLS in this competition. She knocks out most of the houseguests, then Hayden swings in and wins in the end. Which means, he wins and so does Victoria.
Part of this competition was that the houseguests had to look for small disks in the house, which results in the house being absolutely torn apart. The houseguests are devastated and grossed out. I'm all for anything that makes the houseguests clean. I mean, they're in there all day every day.... it just helps them out if they have something to do.
In the end.... the nominees.... Victoria (surprise surprise) and... FRANKIE! YAY! He's finally on the block! Let's wait and see how this turns out!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - September 9 and 10th
Yes, I cheated and am posting both recaps in one post. So let's get to it.
So Frankie is HOH, and he nominated Cody and Victoria. They will have some opportunity to "win their freedom" during POV. But first (I had to channel my "inner Julie"), Let's talk about Team America.... yes, that's still happening. Anyway, Team America has to convince the houseguests that there is a mouse in the house and keep them up all night looking for it. And, SUCCESS! Apparently everyone is scared of rodents... well, except Caleb. He makes some kind of trap.
On to POV - which consists of looking a pictures that are composites of 3 different hosueguests. They have to guess who is in the picture. And the winner is..... Frankie. Boo.
Frankie laments in his room about what he's going to do, and once again talks about making a "big move"... but if this show has taught us anything... it's that big moves don't happen. And Frankie stays true to form and does not change the nominations.
On to the episode from tonight (10th).
We get to see Nicole and Christine arrive at the Jury house. Nicole is received warmly. Christine? Not so much. People barely look at her. Christine shares that she was booed when she was evicted, and everyone, including sweet Donny, laughs. They all talk about what a strong player Derrick is.
Julie reminisces on the week with the houseguests and allows Cody and Victoria to give their speeches on why they should stay. When she sends Derrick to HOH, the countdown reaches zero and a buzzer sounds. To add to the drama, Julie tells the houseguests she'll explain what's happening after the break. When they come back, she explains that we are rewinding the week and starting over again.
Frankie's face at the rewind. Amazing. He clapped, but he definitely wasn't in to it. haha
So, we're playing the seed challenge over again. but that's where we're left. We'll have to tune in on Sunday to find out who won.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - September 7
Then we see the houseguests reacting to hearing the boos of the audience towards Christine. Cody assumes that Christine must have been doing things that he didn't know about in order for people to boo her.
Then, the button is revealed to the houseguests. Speculation runs wild as to what pushing the button would do. Then, everyone gets to go see the button in person.
And we also get more talking about why Christine was booed. Caleb and Frankie tell Cody they think she was booed because of their relationship, because Christine was married. They tell Cody about how Christine looked at him with "love" in her eyes. Cody doesn't buy it. The conversation is interrupted when Victoria heads to the Diary room and the boys celebrate.
Cody, Derrick and Caleb talk about making a big move and nominating Frankie if they get a chance. *sigh* How long are they going to keep talking this "big move" nonsense. I say nonsense because it Never Happens!!! Prove me wrong boys. Prove. Me. Wrong.
This week's HOH competition is farm themed. Houseguests have to take seeds across a "seesaw" leave them on the other side and head back for more. They have to get them all across without falling or knocking them off. If they fall or knock their seeds off, they have to start over.
Can someone explain to me why Frankie explained what they had to do in this competition, literally 30 seconds after Derrick did?
Caleb compares this challenge to basic training (military), and he and Frankie are battling. Very close. But in the end, Frankie pulls out the win after Caleb is forced to start over when one of his seeds falls out.
Back to the button. It's alot of back and forth... then they ultimately push it all together. And a countdown clock appears.... and everyone is nervous.
Derrick tries to tell Victoria that she's the last girl in the house and will, therefore, be the most remembered. Awww... don't get the girl's hopes up Derrick.
DOORBELL!!!!! And in come...... Jeff and Jordan! The houseguests freak! Jeff notices how filthy the house is. Thank you Jeff. It's disgusting. Also, good to know it smells as disgusting as it looks.
The houseguests have to get changed for a competition. But Jeff tells Jordan, once they're outside, they're not there for a a competition, and pops the question!!! Probably the sweetest moment in reality tv. So cute. Love these people. Then he brings out their dog to celebrate..... then their families!!! Then, they bring out Brett Eldridge (please excuse my spelling if it's wrong... I"m not familiar with him... sorry!) And Caleb seems just as excited as Jordan. We get to see a little montage of Jeff and Jordan. Again... so cute! And Frankie cries.
Alright, enough of the cute stuff (although I could have probably watched Jeff and Jordan for another hour). Now for nominations, and I see Frankie did his nails in sparkles for the occasion.
Nominees are Cody and Victoria.
Looking forward to Veto on Tuesday! (New night, don't forget!)
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Giving Back and my Personal Challenge
I open today's blog post with a picture that means a lot to me. A picture of my dad holding my daughter just a few hours after she was born.
My dad's diagnosis prompted me to "ramp up" my efforts in fundraising for the Canadian Cancer Society.
This picture shows the beginning of a truly special relationship between my daughter and her Grampy. When she was only 2, my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Through his battle with the disease, she provided a bright light. They would read stories, watch funny Simon's Cat videos (if you aren't familiar with Simon's Cat, check him out on YouTube, very funny), and playing games. Sometimes they did this at home, and sometimes from the hospital bed. No matter where they played, it was special to both of them. My dad passed on April 6, 2013.
Even before my dad's diagnosis, I was involved in the Canadian Cancer Society. I believe in their programs, services, information resources, advocacy efforts and research. If you want to read more about why I'm passionate about this organization, check out my previous blog post on the subject:
My dad's diagnosis prompted me to "ramp up" my efforts in fundraising for the Canadian Cancer Society.
I am participating in the 2015 Saint
John/KV Relay for Life in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. As part of my fundraising efforts, I am asking
people to sponsor me and if I reach my $2000 goal, I will face my greatest fear
- heights.
Visit my personal fundraising page to find out more about
how I will face my fear, and consider sponsoring me for this challenge.
All proceeds will go to the Saint John/KV Relay for Life in support of the
Canadian Cancer Society.
And for anyone interested in Survivor, I'm putting on a Survivor Pool for this season of Survivor which premieres September
24. The castaways cost $10 each and you can purchase as many as you
like. The prize will be 50% of the funds raised. If you are
interested in participating in this fundraiser, please email me at Katie_NB@hotmail.com and let me know how many castaways you would like. Your contestant will
be randomly chosen for you on September 22 or whenever the pool is full (which
ever happens first), and you will be notified by email who you have.
Finally, I will also be having another Email Bingo game
beginning Monday, September 22. Cards are $5 each and the prize will be
50% of the funds raised. You are welcome to purchase as many cards as you
like. Your cards will be emailed to you. For the week of September
22 and September 29, 5 numbers a day will be sent out (business days only).
Beginning the week of October 6 , 2 numbers a day will be sent until we
have a "Bingo". Players have until 4 PM (Atlantic = 3PM Eastern) each day to claim their
Bingo. If there are multiple winners, the prize will be split between
Money for the Survivor pool and Bingo can be sent by e-transfer
to Katie_NB@hotmail.com or, email me
to make arrangements for me to pick up your donation. Please note that
you must pay before the beginning of the Bingo game, and by September 24 for
the Survivor Pool. The prizes for both the Pool and Bingo will be sent by e-transfer unless you make other arrangements with me.
I appreciate that we all of causes close to our heart, and I appreciate that it's not possible to donate to every cause out there, but I wanted to share some of my efforts. Thanks for reading!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - September 4
This is it folks! The double eviction night! Let's get ready for some big moves! Or not. Who knows. Let's get in to it.
So Nicole and Victoria are on the block. Nicole looks pretty nervous as her leg was kicking so much I thought she was going to kick the coffee table over. When they give their speeches, Nicole tells the houseguests to stop being big babies and start playing Big Brother and make some big moves. YES! Nicole gets it. It's what I've been saying for weeks! I'm tired of watching these baby moves. But I digress. Victoria gives a typical un-notable speech. Voting time, and Nicole is unanimously voted out.
Now, HOH, it's a question game, and on the very first question, Derrick is the only one to answer correctly and wins HOH. He nominates Victoria and Christine. He says that if one of them wins Veto he will nominate Frankie, and I cross my fingers that it happens, but it doesn't. Frankie wins Veto and decides not to use it. Voting time and Christine is unanimously voted out. Without a word to any houseguests she walks out to a blast of "boos" from the audience. Let me go on a little rant here. I am not a Christine fan, but the booing thing is terrible. Maybe you don't agree with her behaviour in the house, given that she's married, but let her husband deal with that. If you don't like her, don't clap when she comes out, but the booing thing... come on. Anyway, the houseguests heard the booing and take it as a sign that they made the right move.
Julie asks Christine some hard questions about whether she feels betrayed, whether she feels she played the game well and about her relationship with Cody. Christine gives some pretty basic, non-controversial answers and then we move on.
We find out that there is the potential for a "rewind" that will be unleashed this week. If this magic button is pressed, nominees will be taken off the block and the whole week will be played over. Exciting!
Now, we have to wait until Sunday to find out who the next HOH is. I can't wait!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - September 3
As promised, a brief recap of the episode I didn't recap on the long weekend:
Caleb won HOH.
Lots of talk about Donny's leaving.
Derrick starts dealing with his "Hollas".
Nicole and Christine are nominated.
On to tonight's episode. The boys give Christine a pep talk to assure her she is not a target. Which Derrick quickly follows up with a diary room message saying she is, in fact, his target. Love it.
On to POV - the first out of the competition has to dress up like a dinosaur. The houseguests have to cut wires on a bomb in response to a question asked about a colour sequence they had to view. If they cut the wrong wire, it explodes. Best. Challenge. Ever.
Cody is out first.
Then Caleb.
Then Victoria.
Then Derrick who says he thew the competition in hopes of keeping Nicole from getting knocked out... but Nicole is knocked out too.
Christine wins POV. Frankie runs up to her and starts pumping her up, and says how good she is, then starts yelling about Caleb being color blind. Huh? Good diversion Frankie. Not.
Cody asks Christine what Frankie said to her, and she repeats his congratulatory message. Cody is mad that Frankie is "undermining" he and Caleb. He talks about making a big move... somehow I'm not convinced.
Next, Cody gets dressed up as a "#TyrannosaursJerk" Everyone fusses over how cute he is. I dunno, I must be immune. I don't get it.
Now, a big Caleb/Cody chat about Frankie. So they talk about good reasons why Frankie should be a target. Will it happen. We'll see.
Caleb chats with Derrick and Christine about backdooring Frankie. Christine loves the idea, Derrick says he isn't sure. He talks to Cody and they continue to talk about Frankie as a threat.
Derrick and Nicole chat about missing home. Nicole tries to plant the seed about making a big move. Derrick is skeptical about her motives. So he decides Nicole has to be the target, not Frankie.
POV ceremony. Of course Christine uses the veto on herself and Caleb nominates Victoria. Am I the only one that isn't surprised? This "Bomb Squad" has been talking about making "big moves" all season.... so when are these big moves going to happen? *Snooze*
So unfortunately, we'll see Nicole go home on Thursday.... unless something major changes by then. But remember, it's a double eviction week, so things could flip quickly... and lets hope it does.
Want to keep up on all the blog happenings? You can do that by "following" this blog (option available in the menu on the right), follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Overtired_Katie, follow the blog on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/overtiredmama or through BlogLovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/. - See more at: http://www.overtiredmama.com/2014/08/big-brother-16-recap-episode-28.html#sthash.tuPmClxe.dpuf
Caleb won HOH.
Lots of talk about Donny's leaving.
Derrick starts dealing with his "Hollas".
Nicole and Christine are nominated.
On to tonight's episode. The boys give Christine a pep talk to assure her she is not a target. Which Derrick quickly follows up with a diary room message saying she is, in fact, his target. Love it.
On to POV - the first out of the competition has to dress up like a dinosaur. The houseguests have to cut wires on a bomb in response to a question asked about a colour sequence they had to view. If they cut the wrong wire, it explodes. Best. Challenge. Ever.
Cody is out first.
Then Caleb.
Then Victoria.
Then Derrick who says he thew the competition in hopes of keeping Nicole from getting knocked out... but Nicole is knocked out too.
Christine wins POV. Frankie runs up to her and starts pumping her up, and says how good she is, then starts yelling about Caleb being color blind. Huh? Good diversion Frankie. Not.
Cody asks Christine what Frankie said to her, and she repeats his congratulatory message. Cody is mad that Frankie is "undermining" he and Caleb. He talks about making a big move... somehow I'm not convinced.
Next, Cody gets dressed up as a "#TyrannosaursJerk" Everyone fusses over how cute he is. I dunno, I must be immune. I don't get it.
Now, a big Caleb/Cody chat about Frankie. So they talk about good reasons why Frankie should be a target. Will it happen. We'll see.
Caleb chats with Derrick and Christine about backdooring Frankie. Christine loves the idea, Derrick says he isn't sure. He talks to Cody and they continue to talk about Frankie as a threat.
Derrick and Nicole chat about missing home. Nicole tries to plant the seed about making a big move. Derrick is skeptical about her motives. So he decides Nicole has to be the target, not Frankie.
POV ceremony. Of course Christine uses the veto on herself and Caleb nominates Victoria. Am I the only one that isn't surprised? This "Bomb Squad" has been talking about making "big moves" all season.... so when are these big moves going to happen? *Snooze*
So unfortunately, we'll see Nicole go home on Thursday.... unless something major changes by then. But remember, it's a double eviction week, so things could flip quickly... and lets hope it does.
Want to keep up on all the blog happenings? You can do that by "following" this blog (option available in the menu on the right), follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Overtired_Katie, follow the blog on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/overtiredmama or through BlogLovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/. - See more at: http://www.overtiredmama.com/2014/08/big-brother-16-recap-episode-28.html#sthash.tuPmClxe.dpuf
Monday, September 1, 2014
Big Brother 16 and the Long Weekend
So, as you all know, it was a long weekend. So it was long weekend vs. Big Brother 16, and the long weekend won. We were out at a camp with no cable TV. I didn't even PVR it because I knew I wouldn't watch it. Not because I'm lazy (ok, I am lazy, but that's not the reason), it's because my daughter starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I've been labeling school supplies like a mad woman... and making lunches (yes, plural... I was nice and made lunch for my husband too).
I'm not used to being emotional about these sorts of things. Let's put it this way. In high school, I went to watch Titanic in the movie theaters with my friends and while everyone in the theatre cried when Jack died (*spoiler alert*), I was laughing at how ridiculous the whole scene was - there was plenty of room on that board? If she truly loved him, wouldn't she make more of an effort to save him??? Anyway, I digress. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't laughing out loud... I recognized that people were emotional about it and really liked it. I just wasn't there. Well, now, I'm an emotional train wreck. I haven't had a full-on break down blubber fest, but, I'm sure it will come.
So have mercy on my lack of recap, I will do a mini recap of last night's episode on Wednesday when I recap that night's episode. And think of me and my probable cry-fest tomorrow.
I'm not used to being emotional about these sorts of things. Let's put it this way. In high school, I went to watch Titanic in the movie theaters with my friends and while everyone in the theatre cried when Jack died (*spoiler alert*), I was laughing at how ridiculous the whole scene was - there was plenty of room on that board? If she truly loved him, wouldn't she make more of an effort to save him??? Anyway, I digress. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't laughing out loud... I recognized that people were emotional about it and really liked it. I just wasn't there. Well, now, I'm an emotional train wreck. I haven't had a full-on break down blubber fest, but, I'm sure it will come.
So have mercy on my lack of recap, I will do a mini recap of last night's episode on Wednesday when I recap that night's episode. And think of me and my probable cry-fest tomorrow.
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