Author's Note: This is not a picture from this particular trip to the park. Yes, I live in Canada, but it is not cold enough here to wear a hat and have snow on the ground... at least not in July.
With my husband working, it was just my daughter and I all weekend, so I promised her we could do some fun things, just her and I, but at the same time, my usual weekend routine, and some work responsibilities needed my time as well. I accommodated most of her requests, but I had been putting off her request to go to the park, until she drew a picture of her favourite things in her life, she drew her family, a picture of herself dancing, and playing at the park. How could I say no after such a heartfelt drawing?
So we started off to the park, all the time I had running through my mind all the things that had to get done at home. Once we got there, I instinctively reached for my phone to check work emails, but then I decided to watch my daughter for a bit instead. As she ran around the park, jumping on rocks, climbing the play structure, I saw the pure joy on her face. I remembered what it was like to feel that way. I felt guilty for not wanting to be there initially, and was really happy we decided to go.
The way I felt when I watched her made me feel happy and calm, unlike the stress I had felt a few minutes earlier thinking about all of the responsibilities at home.
When it was time to head back home, we decided to race home. She laughed so hard while we ran she fell down. That is pure happiness.
When we got home, I felt rejuvenated and refreshed. Like I had just meditated. I'm not saying there won't be times that I will turn down her requests to go to the park in the future, but I will keep this experience in my mind, and I hope it will compel me to take a few minutes, and enjoy her happiness.
Now I know this was a pretty serious post for me... even more serious than I had intended to write when I began, but I think it's good to share these little reminders every once in a while.
Have you had a similar experience? Feel free to share in the comments below, or on my Facebook page (CLICK HERE).