Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Hair Tutorial for the "Overtired"

I never thought I would see the day that I would be posting a hair tutorial, but I decided to do it after receiving many compliments and questions about a particular hairstyle.

This is my "go to" hairstyle on days that I just need that extra 15 minutes in bed, or when I'm having a crazy hectic morning and need something quick to do with my hair.

I usually do this with wet hair, just because I find it easier to manage, but I think you could very easily do this with dry hair.

Begin by brushing your hair and parting it in your usual spot:

(Forgive my early morning, tired, no make-up, pre-coffee look)

Take an elastic headband like this one (or similar):

And put it around your head like this:

Then, take a small section of your hair, approximately 1 inch in width or so:

And wrap it around the headband.  With each wrap around the headband, grab a little more hair:

Here's a little video to better demonstrate:

Then, when you have just a little bit of hair left, tuck it up in the hairband, and blend it in with the rest of your hair, like this:

You may want to look it all over to make sure no extra hair needs to be tucked in (sometimes little strands pop out).  On occasion, if my hair is being particularly difficult, I have used some bobby pins to hold it in place.

And you end up with this:

Have you tried this hairstyle?  Let me know how you made out in the comments below.

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