Friday, August 8, 2014

Big Brother 16 - Episode 20 Mini Recap - and Sharknado 2!

Many of you know, or can tell from my Tweets and blog posts that I'm a pretty big Big Brother fan.  There aren't alot of reasons I would miss watching an episode, especially a double eviction episode.  But last night, I chose something over Big Brother.  Some girlfriends and I decided we were going to watch Sharknado 2.  I know, terrible movie, right?  But it's SO terrible, it's good.  I haven't laughed that much in a long time.

The best part?  My friend is a "hostess with the mostess".  Check out the decor and snacks!

Awesome, right?  The movie was just as "good" if not better than the first.  Horrible acting, horrible special events, a terrible storyline, cameos galore and Tara Reid's face that continually had the same facial expression whether she was trying to be happy, sad or confused.    I highly recommend watching this movie if you're looking for a laugh.

Now, on to Big Brother....Double eviction night!  I will recap in point form, simply because I didn't get to watch the episode the whole way through and only caught the highlights, so here are the big stories:

- As we know, Christine didn't use the POV so Jocasta and Zach stayed on the block.
- It had been looking like Zach was headed out the door, but the collective minds were changed (besides Nicole and Hayden who were sure Zach was going home), and Zach was saved.  Jocasta became the first member of the Jury.
- Then, in a speedy chain of events - Caleb becomes HOH, nominates Donny and Hayden, Donny wins POV and saves himself, Nicole becomes a replacement nominee.  Sadly, Hayden is sent packing to Jury house.
- We also learned that Hayden and Jocasta will still have a chance to win their way back in the house.

Thoughts on tonight's episode?  Share them in the comments below.  I've already read the spoilers, and I think that Sunday's episode is going to be a good one. 

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! What an episode to miss! Zach is still in the game? Hayden is gone? What happened?!? This was a game changer of an episode. There had better be a shake up this week to get this back on track! Zach needs to go. I don't want to see anymore of his screaming rants. I can't wait to find out how someone can get back in the house!


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