Friday, August 22, 2014

Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 26

Wow, episode 26.   Hard to believe that we're this far in to it, unless you start remembering all of the houseguests that are gone.

Anyway - let's pick up with the fallout from Frankie's nomination of Zach.  Zach decides to go in to full campaign mode.  He's hoping that Frankie will back him up as a good choice to keep in the house, but Frankie doesn't do that.  Poor Zach feels betrayed.  To make matters worse for Zach, Victoria has taken her pink hat back (the hat Zach "borrowed" from her at the beginning of the season).  Zach is devastated.

On to eviction time, and, no surprise, Zach is voted out.  He's pretty classy in his interview with Julie, considering I expected him to throw everyone under the bus and say what horrible people they were.  He didn't even trash Victoria, who, in her goodbye message, showed Zach that she had shredded his beloved hat.  Side note - is THAT her big game move?  This girl is terrible.

While Zach talks with Julie, she reveals that the evicted houseguests are going to be able to compete to get back in the house.  He's pretty excited.

Julie rejoins the houseguests and lets them know they're in for a twist.  The doorbell rings, and in run all the jury members.  Everyone pretends to be excited, but you know they're not.  So the jury members compete in a challenge in the backyard... and, I don't know if it's just me, but does Jacosta seem particularly intense to anyone else?  Wow.  She's in to it.  But in the end..... Nicole wins!  I nearly yelled out loud I was so happy.  I was hoping she would get back in, although I think we all know what whoever was coming back in the house was in for a short stay... so I have no doubt that Nicole will be targeted.

So we don't get to find out who the next HOH is before the end of the episode... so we'll have to wait until Sunday!

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