Friday, August 29, 2014
Big Brother 16 - Recap - Episode 28
This is it, the moment of truth, this is the episode where we find out if Donny or Nicole goes home, and, whether Team America were successful in their challenge.
A little recap of the flip flopping that was happening before this live eviction. Caleb approaches Derrick about keeping Donny. Derrick says he's glad he's not the one bringing it up (in the diary room - not to Caleb), but he's open to the idea. Caleb goes to chat with Cody about it. Cody is like a brick wall. Not open to the idea in the least. Frankie thinks it's a good idea.
In the meantime, we learn that Team America will find out if they were successful in the "coming up with their own challenge" challenge through a "secret code" that Julie will have. She will ask one of the Team America players what kind of food they would request as a have not this week. They are to respond "Apple Pie". If Julie says the request is granted, they were successful, if the request is denied, they failed.
We also get to meet Christine's family. The focus has been on Christine's husband, given Christine's weird relationship with Cody. Her husband is nice and diplomatic. He says he doesn't mind the hair rubbing or the arm tickles, but he does feel uncomfortable with the hand holding. Christine's family, however, decide to take a more direct approach. They are disappointed with the relationship she has with Cody. I think Christine's in for some difficult conversations when she leaves the house.
Then we get to meet Cody's family. His dad doesn't have a problem with the relationship. He approves of his son flirting to get where he needs to be. His sister, on the other hand, doesn't approve.
Back to the house. Just before the votes begin, Julie asks Frankie what food he would like as a "have-not", he says "Apple Pie" and Julie says it's an "overwhelming no". The look on Frankie's face is priceless. As much as I would have liked to see Donny get some more money, I'm glad they lost the challenge, because I think Frankie needed a wake up call. Hopefully he got it.
Julie also decides to show houseguests some brief messages from home. Everyone cries. And how cute was Derrick's daughter? I also notice that Christine's husband says "don't forget about me" which is also something he said in his letter to her when she was HOH.... I hope she picks up on his repetition of that phrase. Like, maybe she should forget about Cody and remember she's married.
Anyway, on to the votes, and, no surprise, Donny is voted out unanimously. He speaks with Julie with tears in his eyes. This guy is the best. How can you not adore this guy? Anyway, he says that he hopes to get his old job back... I don't think there's any fear that he wouldn't. Julie also tells him that he's been offered a guest spot on the soap opera "Bold and the Beautiful". He's shocked. I love it.
Now on to the HOH competition. This is an endurance competition that involves taking liquid down a slippery path and filling a container until a piece of coal floats to the top. The person who gets their piece out first wins. There is a temptation though (that America voted on live). You can fill a smaller container and win $5000 and 5000 "Hollas". So you get money, but you have people yelling "holla" at you for the remainder of your stay. The challenge begins, but the show ends, so we don't know who won. We have to wait until Sunday to find out (or read spoilers).
So there we have it. What did you think about tonight's episode? Feel free to comment!
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